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  • Q & A # 18

    Q & A # 18

    Happy Father's Day to my DAD! You are the man. Monday 6/12/17 1. Max Effort Ring Muscle Ups - 19 2. Snatch Singles: #135,145,155,170,175,180 3. Snatch Pulls 3x4 107% #235...

  • GLORY week

    GLORY week

    Highlights of the week: *NO on HR-621! The unity of sportsmen and our loud voices made a huge difference in shutting down the sell-off of our PRECIOUS public lands. *Job...

  • Christmas Week

    Christmas Week

    My 2017 Hoyt Carbon Defiant Turbo showed up. I had it come in the new buckskin and it is sweet. Basically the same bow as last year, but I shot...

  • September Recap

    September Recap

    September comes and goes each year in a blink of an eye! I will try to do a brief recap, but I do have a lot of video captured that...

  • 3 Weeks out from Nevada

    3 Weeks out from Nevada

    2016 CrossFit Games as a coach/spectator... awesome. Unbelievable athletes, community, and experience. A must for any die hard CrossFit fan. Congrats to CrossFit Spokane Valleys' Jason Uberuaga for making the...

  • Open starts in a couple of weeks.

    Open starts in a couple of weeks.

    2016 CrossFit Games Open starts at the end of the month. It is a 5 week world wide online fitness competition. I predict about half a million people participate this...

  • Welcome to 2016!

    Welcome to 2016!

    A brand new year, woohoo! Starting off with a big bang, here's the link to a nutrition podcast I just did with Hunt Backcountry Podcast, check it out! Friday 01/01/2016...

  • Final Prep for Arizona

    Final Prep for Arizona

    Monday 11/2/2015 Well I went to the range yesterday and broke 5 arrows (my entire quiver) with some mechanical breakdown. My dog stood on my bow case and I believe...

  • 3 Weekends Away From AZ!

    3 Weekends Away From AZ!

    Monday 10/26/2015. 1. Snatch A. 2×2 at 80%, drop from the top. Unlimited rest between sets. Worked up to #172 for 2x2 B. 3 singles at 85%, unlimited rest #182...

  • 4 Weeks Out...

    4 Weeks Out...

    Monday July 27th, 2015 I got some 24 hour stomach flu, slept about 20 hours while forcing fluids and battling a high tempature. Tuesday July 28th, 2015 Shot at the...

  • Another Day of Training

    Another Day of Training

    Here's some footage of yesterday's training... 1.Warm-up Run 1 Mile 7:35 - 80% effort 2. Met-Con AMRAP 12 Minutes – Climb the Ladder 1 Power Snatch 135/95lbs 1 Muscle-up 2...

  • Monday November 3rd

    Monday November 3rd

    As you read this, make sure you get out there vote! #elkshape is simply my workout and hunting journal, if you want to try some of the workouts feel free,...