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GLORY week

GLORY week
Highlights of the week: *NO on HR-621! The unity of sportsmen and our loud voices made a huge difference in shutting down the sell-off of our PRECIOUS public lands. *Job offer to be a part-time firefighter for District 8 in Valleyford, WA *Bought my wife a new bow, 2016 Defiant. Monday 1/30/17 1. 3 position snatches #75,105,125,135,165 2. Snatch singes #165,185,195,185 3. Halting Snatch Pulls 4x3 #205 4. Power Jerks x3 #135,135,155,175,185,205,205,185 5. Back Squats x3 #185,225,255,285, then 4x2 #305 6. 21-15-9 Squat snatches #115 and chest to bar pull-ups | 7:15 7. EMOM for 10 Minutes ODD: GHDSU (add 1 rep each round) start with 10 EVEN: Cals on Assualt bike (add 1 cal each round) start with 10 Tuesday 1/31/17 1. 3 position cleans 5x3 #135,145,175,215,225 2. Split Jerks 5x3 #145,175,195,215,225,225 3. Halting Snatches 5x3 #115,135,155,185 single,165 4. EMOM for 8 minutes 1-4 min squat snatches #165x4 5-8 min clean and jerks #165x5 5. 5 rounds for time: 10 power cleans #135 10 bar facing burpees | 8:01 REST 10 minutes 4 round for time: 6 power cleans #155 6 bar facing burpees | 4:17 REST 5 minutes 3 rounds for time: 4 power cleans #185 4 bar facing burpees | 1:52 Wednesday 2/1/17 1. Heavy Clean and Jerks | #195,215,235,250,260,245,245 2. Clean Pulls 4x2 | #280,300,300,300 3. Front Squats from the bottom up | #205,225,245,255,260 4. 4 rounds for time of 8 unbroken bar muscle ups | 4:26 5. For time: 3 peg board ascends + 21 thrusters #115 2 peg board ascends + 15 thrusters 1 peg board ascends + 9 thrusters | 7:44 6. 50-40-30-20-10 cal row, rest :50,40,30,20 seconds | 10:00 Friday 2/3/17 1. 6x4 deficit hspu 12" 2. Touch n Go Power Snatches x5 | #65,95,115,135,150,160 3. 1 arm dumbbell muscle snatch + power snatch + squat snatch + ohs | #25's, 35's, 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's 4. Unbroken HS walk 35',40',45',50',55',60' 5. 3x5 each leg dumbbell OH lunges #50's 6. Partner workout:Teams of two (M/M pairs)...for time *375 Cal Row 100 Dead lifts #135 50 Strict HSPU 50 Dball cleans 100/70 100 Thrusters #135 25 Rope Climbs 25 Bar Muscle Ups *one person always rowing until all is complete | 36:30 Sunday 2/5/17 1. Establish a heavy squat clean thruster (cluster) #225 2. 8-7-6-5-4 Squat clean thrusters with 1:00 rest b/t rounds | 9:12 3. 5 rounds of: 1 min hang squat cleans with dumbbells #50's 1 min box step ups with dumbbells #50's 24" box 1 min calories on assault bike 1 min rest 40,36,39,36,44 4. 21-15-9 for time: chest to bar pull-ups box jump overs 24" | 3:10 Please Check out my Partners Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Bohning Archery Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel

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