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Church in the Mountains

Church in the Mountains
I will not distribute content that is full of fluff. I am what I am and I do what I do. I'm a DIY public land hunter. When it comes to gear, I use it because I want to use it. I hunt where I want to hunt and how I like to hunt. I wake up and dream of the next adventure in the mountains everyday. I crave time alone in the mountains far away from my phone and Internet. I have not been in the woods since November and it is taking its toll. Let me explain... I was sitting in church yesterday during worship, and I was admittedly distracted. There were tons of people standing, bright neon lights, loud rock concert instruments, six or seven worship leaders, and tv monitors plastered all over the walls. I find it challenging to worship God in that setting. Especially when you compare it to the quiet and intimate time shared with our Creator in the mountains. You see, solo backpack hunting with a bow provides no Internet connection, zero city light pollution, and stillness required to listen. The older I get, the harder it is for me to be in the off-season of hunting waiting to get outside and eliminate the useless distractions that day-to-day life has. I crave time by myself in undisturbed nature where a man can sit and think. Being still, and have running dialog with God. This is where I feel I can hear what he has to say to me. His revelations get revealed when I am far from distraction. The beauty of the mountains coupled with the simple objective of killing an animal with a heartbeat for my consumption is largely spiritual and primal. I feel tested, alive, and focused. This is my favorite place to worship. I know this may sound strange to some, but the few that understand know of what I speak of. God is good, and he's alive and well in the mountains. This is where I have my best church sessions so to speak. I always miss my wife and kids, but I also reflect on how I can be a better man, father, and husband. The mountains are my church. This is just some ramblings from my brain that maybe some of you can relate to. Here's my training from last week: monday 1/23/17 1. snatch full #125,135,155,175,185,190 2. snatch pulls #215x3, #235 3x2 3. front squat #205x3, 225x3, 245x3, 265x3, 275x3, 295 3x1 4. 6x6 ring muscle ups rest 1:00 b/t sets | 7:29 5. 21-15-9 wall ball shots #30 bar muscle ups thrusters #95 box jump overs 24" kettlebell swings #70 | 17:42 6. 3 rounds of: 10 weighted hip back extensions #45 + 10 sec handstand hold tuesday 1/24/17 1. row 200m, rest :20s, 4 rounds, rest 1:00, repeat | 14:21 2. 6x12 strict hspu, rest 1:00 b/t rounds | 6:47 3. EMOM for 5 minutes 3 snatches x3 #135,155,165,175,175 4. right into EMOM for 5 minutes clean and jerks x6 135,145,155,155,155 5. 3 minute amraps with 3 minutes rest b/t amraps 15-12-9 #225 deadlifts, bar facing burpees, remaining time max cal row | 54 reps 12-9-6 #245 deadlifts, bar facing burpees, remaining time max cal row | 51 reps 9-6-3 #275 deadlifts, bar facing burpees, remaining time max cal row | 36 reps + 12 cals 7-5-3 #295 deadlifts, bar facing burpees, remaining time max cal row | 30 reps + 13 cals wednesday 1/25/17 1. Power Snatches 6x3 | #115,135,145,155,165,170 2. split jerk with 2 sec pause in dip 6x3 | #170,170,185,185,195,215 3. back squat doubles | #225,225,255,285,305,325 4. 3 rounds not for time of this complex: 6 strict chest to bar pull-ups + 6 kipping chest to bar pull-ups + 6 bar muscle ups 5. 20 minute amrap 20 1 arm dumbbell snatches #70 20 wall ball shots #20 20 GHDSU 20 OHS #95 | 4 rounds + 42 reps thursday 1/26/17 rest day friday 1/27/17 1. 9 min amrap, rotate stations every minute: burpee box jumps 24" row (cal) hang squat clean thruster #135 | 101 reps 2. 9 min amrap, rotate stations every minute: box jump overs 24" assault bike (cal) power cleans #155 | 122 reps 3. 9 min amrap, rotate stations every minute: squat snatches #155 double unders shuttle run 10m | 304 reps saturday 1/28/17 1. 6 rounds for time: 7 burpee box jumps 24" 14 chest to bar pull-ups 14 cal assault bike rest 1:00 | 16:19 2. 3 rounds for time: 10 squat clean thrusters #185 rest 1:00 | 11:30 Please Check out my Partners Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Bohning Archery Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel

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