Monday 10/26/2015.
1. Snatch
A. 2×2 at 80%, drop from the top. Unlimited rest between sets. Worked up to #172 for 2x2
B. 3 singles at 85%, unlimited rest #182
C. 2 singles at 90% #192
2. Clean Jerk, Heavy
A. 3×2 Power Clean, Work on keeping your feet under you. Drop from the top. Unlimited rest between sets. #225,230,230
B. Work up to a complex of: 1 Squat Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Split Jerk
3. Squat
2×10 Back Squat #225,255
Tuesday 10/27/2015
1. Conditioning
3 Rounds: (workout courtesy of Pat Sherwood)
5 Ring MU
10 Squat Cleans (135/95)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
2. 20 rep push press max #135x20, #155x11 (sad)
3. EMOM x 7 minutes Snatch pull, Snatch High Pull, Full Snatch #135
4. HS Walk/hold skill work held hs for :40sec followed by max distance - 40'/90'
5. For Time:
20 cal Row + 5-4-3-2-1 rope climb (100 cals total)
Wednesday 10/28/2015 - Rest day, have been struggling with a chest cold since Sunday, will try my best to take it easy.
Thursday 10/29/2015
1. Work up to a heavy double power clean #235
2. Work up to a heavy triple front squat #275, #300x1
3. Every Minute on the Minute x7 (EMOM) Snatch High Pull from knees + Full Snatch from knees #115x3, 135x3, 155x2
4. Deadlift Every other minute on the minute (EOMOM) w/clean grip
10 reps #225, 8 reps #275, 6 reps #305, 4 reps #325, 2 reps #355, 1 rep #405
15 min AMRAP
20 Cal Row
20 SDLHP 95
20 Push Press 95
20 C2B
3 rounds
Friday 10/30/2015
1. 3 Rounds For time:
7 muscle ups
7 squat clean thrusters #165 | 8:15
2. Accessory Work:
3x8 each leg 20" box step-ups in the front rack #95
3x10 Reverse Hypers #180
3x5 GHD Raises
3x:20sec L-Sit Holds
Still have a chest cold, but felt good to move although it sure took awhile to get going today. I'm hosting a CF Competition this weekend so I will be slammed for time, hoping to go to the range this Sunday and fling some sticks at foam.
Have a great weekend.