Week 24 | 2018
6/18/2018 Monday 1. Split Jerks 135x3,165x3,175x3,195x3 | 215x1,225x1,235x1,235x1 2. 30 Ring Muscle ups for time | 2:43 3. Box Squats Triples EMOM 10 265# 4. 21-18-15-12-9 For Time: Bike Calories...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
6/18/2018 Monday 1. Split Jerks 135x3,165x3,175x3,195x3 | 215x1,225x1,235x1,235x1 2. 30 Ring Muscle ups for time | 2:43 3. Box Squats Triples EMOM 10 265# 4. 21-18-15-12-9 For Time: Bike Calories...
Monday 4/16/2018 1. EMOM for 12 Minutes Minutes 1-5 | clean pull + hang power clean + power clean + jerk | 205# Minutes 5-12 | power clean + jerk...
Here's a week's worth of training for elk hunting fitness: 02/11/2018 Sunday 1. 5 sets climbing 4 front squats + 1 jerk 155,185,195,205,225# 2. EMOM 14 Even: 5 bar muscle...
2017 wraps up today. Solid year of growth and progress. Lots of hunting memories made, family trips, and new adventures. Looking forward to the next, here's the workouts from the...
Alright the 2017 season is pretty much wrapped up. I have contacted a local lion hunter to see if he could get me on a lion if we get some...
2017 Hunting season is almost over for me... I have one last little 1 or 2 day hunt in Idaho for a late season archery elk. I don't know for...
Below is the secret sauce, how I stay in shape year round hunt ready. Nothing magical. Dedication and discipline. They are days I do not want to train but I...
BEAR CAMP Monday and Tuesday, temps were in the high 80's so the baits were not getting hit, and spot and stalk opportunities were nonexistent. I believe the bear rut...
Monday 4/17/2017 1. Power Snatch + Overhead Squat (build up to heavy single) | #95,115,125,135,135,145,155,170,175,175 2. Snatch pulls from Deficit 3x5 #195, 2x5 no deficit #205 3. Back Squats 5x5...
September comes and goes each year in a blink of an eye! I will try to do a brief recap, but I do have a lot of video captured that...
Monday 4/25/2016 1. 15 minute AMRAP 55 dubz 15 chest to bar pull-ups 5 hang power cleans #155 8 rounds + 50 dubz 2. with a partner, 3 rounds of...
Monday March 7th, 2016 1. 16.2 Redo Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat...
Disclaimer: Everything that I do is only what I do. The training, the shooting, the nutrition... it's my deal. Read, watch, and make your own decisions. You can try my...