4 weeks out...

Monday 4/25/2016
1. 15 minute AMRAP
55 dubz
15 chest to bar pull-ups
5 hang power cleans #155
8 rounds + 50 dubz
2. with a partner, 3 rounds of max effort, alternating deficit handstand push-ups 12", one partner holds static while the other partner does a rep | 4 and 4, 3 and 3, 3 and 3
3. with a partner, 2 rounds of max effort, alternating muscle ups, one partner holds at the top while the partner does a rep, 4 and 4, 3 and 3
4. build to a heavy deadlift single | #455
5. team of 4, one person resting, the other two holding KB in the rack position, and the last person doing work:
80 calorie row
60 box jumps 30"/24"
60 wall ball shots 10' #30/20 | i have no idea our time but this was horrible.
6. team of 4 sprint relay, 200m x4 per person alternating
Tuesday 4/26/2016
1. teams of one male, one male
one athlete does entire round, relay...
Barbell Farmer Carry (80 ft., #165 each hand)
Double-Unders (50)
Muscle-Ups (12 reps)
Barbell Farmer Carry (80 ft.)
4 Rounds Total, alternating rounds | 13:31, my splits were 2:51 & 3:01
2. Snatch High Pull from top of knee + Full Snatch
EMOM x 8minutes climbing #135-185
3. 3-4 Sets of 2 Fronts Squats + 4 Back Squats heavy, #225,265,300
4. 12 minute running clock:
0-3 minutes with a partner max calories on the AB, :30 seconds of work each alternating... 87 calories
3-5 minutes max Dball OVER the shoulder alternating each rep... 32 Dballs
rest 1 minute
6-9 minutes with a partner GHDSU alternating every 15 reps 97 GHDSU
9-12 minutes of max strict HSPU, only one person working at a time, while the other holds handstand | 42 reps
Wednesday 4/27/2016 REST DAY
Thursday 4/28/2016
1. Establish a 1 rep max of this complex:
3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 jerks
2. Team of 3, one person working at a time:
100 chest bar pull-ups + 50 Thrusters #135
100 pistols + 50 deadlifts #315
100 burpees over the bar + 25 clean and jerks #225 | 18:18
3. 1 round for time of:
15 muscle ups + 15 clean and jerks #135 | 2:07
Friday 4/29/2016
1. Hang snatch #155,165,175,185miss,155,165,175,185,195,205,210miss 3x
2. HS walk outside 100 ish feet, harder by the way than indoors.
3. Strict HSPU + Hang Power Cleans #160 + Bar Facing Burpees
9-6-3 2:13
Saturday & Sunday Shed Hunting and lots of chainsawing...