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3 weeks out...

3 weeks out...
3 weeks out from Sawyer Thomas Staton being born! Looks like I will most likely compete at the 2016 CrossFit West Regional on our team. Monday May 2nd, 2016 1. Event 1 team of 4 male/female male/female 50 axle bar thrusters #135/95, axle weighs 25# 10 legless double rope climbs 40 thrusters 8 rope climbs 30 thrusters 6 rope climbs M/F working at a time while the other M/F rests. All thrusters synchro. 8:16 2. Event 2 team of 4 male/female male/female 20 strict hspu / hold first m/f pair 20 strict hspu / hold second m/f pair 40 synchro muscle ups m/f pairs share work 30 cal row m/f both while m/f pair hold deadlift 315/205# each pair rows / holds 30 cal AB m/f both while m/f pair holds front rack 185/125# each pair AB / holds 80 synchro power cleans axle 185# share work 22:30 3. Back Squat Doubles #225-315 5 sets Tuesday May 3rd, 2016 1. 2 minutes of squat snatches at each load with partner: 155/105# - 15 reps 175/115 - 13 reps 185/125 - 9 reps 205/135 - 5 reps 2. Team Nate 5 rds for time: 4 share strict muscle ups 7 strict hspu/hold, 6 each arm synchro 1 arm snatches #70/53 ... 14:30 3. Partner WOD 500m row + 125 dubz each athlete 50 dl / hold #275/185, 5 reps each at a time 50 ttb / hold 5 reps each at a time ... 8:37 Wednesday May 4th, 2016 1. Overhead Squats from the floor #135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x3, 215x2, 225x3, 235x2 2. Weakness Work: 500m Run x2 Good mornings 4x5 #135 GHD Sit-ups 4x20 Pistols 4x10 GHD Back Extensions With Barbell High Row #75 4x10 Thursday May 5th, 2016 REST Friday May 6th, 2016 1. With a partner: 60 strict HSPU, one athlete working at a time 20 synchro bar muscle ups 30 cal bike each 30 cal row each 60 power cleans #135 one athlete working at a time 2. Team of 3 50 power snatches #115 50 synchro toes to bar 50' hs walk Saturday May 7th, 2016 Team of 3 1. 1800m run 60 OHS Squats #155 while other two hang from pull-up bar 100 GHD Sit-ups while other two hold deadlift #405 2. 21 Partner Deadlifts #420 + 21 Partner Synchro Bar Facing Burpees

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