Secret Sauce

Below is the secret sauce, how I stay in shape year round hunt ready. Nothing magical. Dedication and discipline. They are days I do not want to train but I do anyways, it is called delayed gratification. This simple formula of consistency pays off for me.
Monday 10/30/17
1. Pause OHS + Snatch Balance | #135,155,175,195,205
2. Squat Snatch Complex 7 rounds EMOM (hang squat snatch + full squat snatch)
3. Deficit Pausing Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x2 #205
4. Back Squat, 2 rounds of:
3 reps #255
2 reps #305
1 rep #325 ****rest 2:00 b/t sets
5. Ascending Ladder for 7 minutes:
3 thrusters #95 + 3 burpee box jump overs, 6+6, 9+9, etc... | 77 reps completed.
Tuesday 10/31/17
1. 2 rounds of 15-12-9 Kipping Handstand push-ups, rest 2:00 b/t sets
2. TrueForm Sprint Intervals
3 rounds of:
:30s on and :30s off
:45s on and :45s off
1:00 on and 1:30 off
3. 15 AMRAP
30 double unders
15 power cleans #135
30 double unders
15 toes to bar | 5 rounds + 35 reps
4. 3 rounds not for time:
6 L-sit pull-ups
9 ring push-ups
12 cal ski erg
Wednesday 11/1/17 REST DAY | 3 mile hike #50 pack
Thursday 11/2/17
1. 2:00 AMRAP, rest 3:00 b/t
a) 9 power cleans + 9 front squats + 9 jerks + as many clusters as possible | #135 - 4 clusters
b) 7 power cleans + 7 front squats + 7 jerks + as many clusters as possible | #165 - 3 clusters
c) 5 power cleans + 5 front squats + 5 jerks + as many clusters as possible | #185 - 2 clusters
2. Conditioning: 12-9-6-3 For Time:
Dball #150 over the shoulder
Calorie Row | 10:24
Friday 11/3/17
1. Snatch Balance triples | #135,155,175,175,195
2. Hang Snatches #53 Kettle Bell each hand | 5x8
3. 20 AMRAP with Partner, You go... I go...
15 cal Assault Bike
12 cal Row
9 Muscle Ups | 10 rounds total
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls