November is coming... Finally.

Monday 10/23/2017
1. snatch balance doubles EMOM 7 | #125,145,145,165,165,175,175
2. EMOM 9 Squat Snatch
MIN 1 #155x3
MIN 2 #165x2
MIN 3 #175x1
3. Deficit Pausing Snatch Grip Deadlift (2") 2 seconds at knee 5x2 #185
4. 2 rounds Back Squat with 2:00 rest b/t rounds
Round 1: #235x5, 265x3, 295x1
Rounds 2: #235x5, 265x3, 295x1
5. For Time:
15-12-9 calorie row + power snatches #95
15-12-9 calorie bike + clean and jerks #95 | 12:24
Tuesday 10/24/2017
1. 2 rounds of Kipping Handstand push-ups 10-8-6, rest 2:00 b/t rounds
2. For time:
400m run + 30 wall ball shots #30 + 30 box jump overs 24"
400m run + 21 kbs #70 + 12 chest to bar pull-ups
400m run + 21 kbs #70 + 12 chest to bar pull-ups
400m run + 30 wall ball shots #30 + 30 box jump overs 24" | 18:04
3. 3 rounds for time:
20 GHD sit-ups
10 Dball Cleans #100
5 weighted back extensions #45 | 7:50
4. Max Effort Toes to Bar | 35 reps
5. 2 rounds for time:
8 snatches #135
50 dubz
400m Run | 6:16
***3 mile hike #40, 1k elevation gain
Wednesday 10/25/2017 - REST DAY archery range
Thursday 10/26/2017
1. 4 MIN AMRAP x3 | rest 4 MIN b/t
27 cal row
27 burpees
27 chest to bar pull-ups | 84 reps
21 cal row
21 burpees
21 toes to bar | 76 reps
15 cal row
15 burpees
15 pull-ups | 82 reps
2. 4 rounds not for time:
80' Yoke Carry #450
80' Dog Sled Pull #100
Friday 10/27/2017
Partner Workout, 1 person working at a time, 25 MIN AMRAP
15 syncro wall ball shots
30 cal row
30 power cleans #135
30 burpees over the bar
30 overhead squats #135
30 cal bike | 2 rounds + 15 reps
Sunday 10/29/2017
1. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Jerk 5 sets climbing
2. EMOM 10
ODD: Rack Jerks Triple | #185
EVEN: DB Incline Bench x5 | #60's
3. EMOM 10
ODD: DB Snatches x10 #70's
EVEN: Strict Handstand Push-ups x8
4. Finisher Tabata Chirpees
:20s work, :10s rest, 8 rounds | 39 reps total
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls