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3 Weeks out from Nevada

3 Weeks out from Nevada
2016 CrossFit Games as a coach/spectator... awesome. Unbelievable athletes, community, and experience. A must for any die hard CrossFit fan. Congrats to CrossFit Spokane Valleys' Jason Uberuaga for making the podium in the Men's Master's 40-44. That's a tough division and you fought hard every step of the way. We are so proud! Monday July 18th, 2016 1. Archery Range, Broadhead practice and 3D Targets. 2. Halting snatch pulls (3 sec pause just below knee) 50%-5 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 85%-5 | #112,135,157,180,191 3. Power jerk 50%-5 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 70%-5 | #142,171,200,228,200 4.Overhead squat 50%-5 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 80%-5 70%-5 | #135,165,192,220x3,192 5. rdl 50%-5 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 70%-5 | #162,195,227,260,227 6. 5 Rounds for Time: 400m Run 15 snatches #75 15 bar facing burpees | 19:08 Tuesday July 19th, 2016 1. Halting clean pulls (3 sec pause just below knee)Clean pulls 50%-5 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 85%-5 | #150,180,210,240,255 2. Snatch balance 50%-5 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 70%-5 | 115,135,157,180,157 3. Jerk recoveries 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 90%-5 70%-5 | #185,205,228,256,205 4. Front squat 50%-5 60%-5 70%-5 80%-5 80%-5 70%-5 | #162,195,227,260,260,227 5. 3 Rounds For time: 500m Row 12 Deadlifts at bodyweight #157 21 Box Jumps 24" | 9:49 Wednesday July 20th, 2016 Travel day down to the 2016 CrossFit Games Thursday July 21st 2016 1. Partner DT. Alternating rounds for 10 rds total: 12 deadlifts 9 hang cleans 6 shoulder to overhead DB's #50's 27 burpee buy out 2. Handstand walk 50' + 100m shuttle run, 3 rounds Friday July 22nd 2016 Fittest Fan comp: 90 second max butlers over the box - 48 2:00 max ground to shoulder #150 sandbag - 10 reps Max HS hold - :24 seconds Max push ups in :60 seconds with #20 vest - 50 reps 100 double understand for time with weighted jump rope - 1:51 500m row for time - 1:34 Max calories assault. Ike :30 sec - 22cal 400m true form run 1:29 Saturday July 23rd 2016 10:1 and 1:10 hang squat clean thrusters #50's Dumbbells and burpee to ground to overhead #50's Dumbbells. 24:42 Sunday July 24th 2016 5 rounds for time : 500m run Max effort HS walk 11:58| 275' HS walk

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