2 Weeks out from Nevada

Tuesday July 27th,2016
1. Clean complex at knee: clean pull + power clean + squat clean 50%,60,70,75,70 | #142,171,200,215,200
2. Press Behind Neck Split Position (% based on strict press) 5x3
50%,60,70,75,70 | #95,102,119,127,119
3. Overhead Squat 5x3 50,%60,70,80,90 | #159,185,212,238,250fail
4. RDL's 5x3 50%,60,70,75,70 | #162,195,227,243,227
5. For Time:
21 hang power cleans #135, 21 burpees over the bar, 100 double unders
15 hang power cleans, 15 burpees over the bar, 75 double unders
9 hang power cleans, 9 burpees over the bar, 50 double unders | 7:01
6. 3 Rounds with a parnter:
15 ghdsu + 15 kbs #53 + 15 cal assault bike + 200m Prowler | 21:25
Wednesday July 28th, 2016
1. 3 position snatch mid thigh, knee, floor 50%,60,70,75,70 | #112,135,160,170,160
2. power jerk 5x3 50%,60,70,75,70 | 135,160,185,200,185
3. snatch grip lift off 3 sec hold at knee 60%,7080,90,95 | #135,160,180,200,215
4. back squats 5x3 50%,60,70,75,70 | #185,225,255,275,255
5. 3 rounds for time with partner:
400m run, 21 toes to bar unbroken synchro, 10 dball over 7' bar #100 | 12:53
6. 30 muscle ups for time: 2:50 (13-7-6-4)
7. Every 3:00 row 35 calories for 3 rounds
Thursday July 29th, 2016
1. 3 position clean 50%,60,70,75,70 | #145,170,200,215,200
2. OH Lunge 2 each leg % based on jerk | #75,115,135,150,170
3. Snatch pull 60%,70,75,80,85 | #135,160,170,180,190
4. RDL 5x3 50%,60,75,75,75 | #160,195,245,245,245
5. 3 rounds for time:
5 bar muscle ups
10 parallete deficit hspu (kipping) | 9:14
Friday - Sunday | Scouting for elk, checked 10 cameras, cleaned out a hiking trail where I plan on putting my spike elk camp. Season is coming up. Shot the new Carbon Defiant Turbo, its unbelievable. And confirmed that my target bull made it through the winter!!!