Week 31 | 2018
Monday 8/6/18 1. 3 Position Squat Snatch (Hip/Knee/Floor) | 125-145# 2. Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 7 Sets 125-155# 3. Back Squat 235#x6,255x4,275x2,240x6,260x4,280x2,245x6,265x4,285x2 4. 5 Rounds for time: 10 Strict...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday 8/6/18 1. 3 Position Squat Snatch (Hip/Knee/Floor) | 125-145# 2. Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 7 Sets 125-155# 3. Back Squat 235#x6,255x4,275x2,240x6,260x4,280x2,245x6,265x4,285x2 4. 5 Rounds for time: 10 Strict...
My bowhunting season has officially kicked off with a High Country Mule Deer hunt in the great state of Nevada! Here's my Nutrition (daily) on an 8 day backpack hunt:...
2016 CrossFit Games as a coach/spectator... awesome. Unbelievable athletes, community, and experience. A must for any die hard CrossFit fan. Congrats to CrossFit Spokane Valleys' Jason Uberuaga for making the...
Tuesday July 5th, 2016 1. 3 position clean & jerk(2 each top down) 50% 60% 65% 70% 75% | #145,170,185,205,215 2. Split jerk behind head 50%-5 60%-5 65%-5 70%-5 75%-5...