Week 31 | 2018

Monday 8/6/18
1. 3 Position Squat Snatch (Hip/Knee/Floor) | 125-145#
2. Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 7 Sets 125-155#
3. Back Squat
4. 5 Rounds for time:
10 Strict Handstand Push-ups
10 Toes to Bar
10 Calorie Bike | 9:45
Tuesday 8/7/18
16 Minute AMRAP
250m Ski Erg
5 Push Jerks 185#
30 double unders
5 Power Cleans 185#
6 Rounds
Wednesday 8/8/18
7 Rounds
Bench 180#x5
Sled Push 60m 270#
Not for time
Thursday 8/9/18
5 rounds EMOM
Min 1 - 10 strict pull-ups
Min 2 - complex 2 hang power cleans + squat clean + jerk (add 1 additional complex each round) 95#
Min 3 - 10 calories Rogue Echo Bike
Friday 8/10/18, Saturday 8/11/18, & Sunday 8/12/18 - My wife's bday, went to North Idaho for family time.
Monday 8/13/18
1. "Tillman"
7 rounds of:
7 deadlifts 315#
Gasser Full (50 yards down/back/down/back)
15 pull-ups
Rest :45s
Total time: 20:28
Off to Antelope hunt in Idaho and Montana for the rest of the week!