Headed to Nevada

My bowhunting season has officially kicked off with a High Country Mule Deer hunt in the great state of Nevada!
Here's my Nutrition (daily) on an 8 day backpack hunt:
PRO BAR, 3oz, 11g protein, 380 calories, 123 calories/oz
JACK'S LINKS, 1.2 oz, 8g protein, 140 calories, 116 calories/oz
MOUNTAIN BAR, 1.6 oz, 3g protein, 200 calories, 125 calories/oz
NATURE VALLEY, 1.5 oz, 3g protein, 190 calories, 125 calories/oz
FIG NEWTON, 2 oz, 1g protein, 200 calories, 100 calories/oz
TRAIL MIX, 6oz, 20g protein, 700 calories, 116 calories/oz
PURE PRO BAR, 1.7oz, 20g protein, 180 calories, 102 calories/oz
MTN HOUSE, 5oz, 25g protein, 550 calories, 110 calories/oz
22 ounces or 1.375 lbs
118 grams of protein
2,540 calories
115 calories / ounce
Monday August 8th, 2016
1. 3 Position Full Snatch 50%,60,70,70 | #115,135,160,160
2. Squat Jerks 4x3 50%,60,70,70 | #135,160,185,185
3. Halting Cleans Pause 3 sec at knee into full clean 50%,60,70,70 | #145,170,200,200
4. Back Squats 4x3 50%,60,70,70 | #185,220,255,255
5. Conditioning For Time:
15 OHS #155 + 15 Chest to bar pull-ups
15 Squat Snatches + 15 C2B pull-ups
15 Front Squats + 15 C2B pull-ups
15 Squat Cleans + 15 C2B pull-ups | 12:02
6. 3 Rounds of Accessory Work:
a) Strict Muscle Ups: 1,2,3
b) x10 Hip Extensions with 3 second pause at top
c) floor press x20 #100
d) x10 strict toes to bar
Tuesday August 9th, 2016
1. 3 Position Clean 50%,60,70,70 | #155,180,210,210
2. Split Jerk 50%,60,70,70 | #155,180,210,210
3. Halting Snatch (pause at knee for 3 seconds) 50%,60,70,70 | #115,135,160,160
4. RDL 50%,60,70,70 | #160,195,225,225
5. Conditioning: 3 rounds for time
60 double unders
30 calories assault bike
15 deadlifts #275 | 11:54
6. Accessory:
a) 3x6 Bulgarian Split Squats #95
b) 3x20 Weighted Sit-ups #25
c) 3x6 Single Leg Front Rack Step-ups #95
Archery Range 3D Course, 16 targets.
Wednesday August 10th, 2016
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my amazing wife. She's the rock I stand on man!!!! What a catch, what a lady, happy to call you mine babe!
1. Clean Complex: clean pull + power clean + squat clean 50%,60,70,70 | #155,185,210,210
2. Snatch Balance 4x3 50%,60,70,70 | #115,135,160,160
3. Jerk Recoveries 4x3 70%,80,90,95 | #205,228,256,270
4. Front Squat 4x3 50%,60,70,70 | #162,195,237,237
5. 20 Power Cleans For Time #225 | 4:54 Slow
6. 20 Bench Press For Time #205 | 5:15 Slow
7. 5 Rounds not for time:
50' Yoke Carry #270 + #180
5 weighted pull-ups #20
5 weighted dips #20
Thursday August 11th, 2016
Rest day, my birthday, 35 years young
Friday August 12th, 2016
1. snatch complex(1 snatch pull, 1 power snatch, 1 squat snatch) 50%-1 60%-1 70%-1 70%-1 | #115,135,160,160
2. Overhead squat from floor 50%-3 60%-3 70%-3 70%-3 | #155,175,195,205 (snatched 195 for fun)
3. Clean grip lift off with 5 sec hold at knee 70%-3 80%-3 90%-3 90%-3 | #185,210,245,265
4. Lunges (bar on back 1 rm clean) 3 each leg 50% 60% 70% 70% | #155,195,210,210
5. Conditioning 5 rounds for time:
with a partner...one person working at a time except on the run
8 pull-ups each
8 KB thrusters #53's
8 Burpee Box Jumps 30"
2 Dball ground to overhead #100
400m Run with #20 Dball | 28:32
Saturday August 13th, 2016
Shot the bow, hiked the mountain, checked trail cams, packed the truck, tonight I leave...