September Has Arrived
Monday August 29th, 2016 1. Snatch 1x3 60% #135, 1x3 70% #155, #180x1, #190x2, #200x1, #205 miss, #190x1, #195x2 2. Split Jerk 60% 1x3 #200, 80% 1x2 #225, 85% 1x2...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday August 29th, 2016 1. Snatch 1x3 60% #135, 1x3 70% #155, #180x1, #190x2, #200x1, #205 miss, #190x1, #195x2 2. Split Jerk 60% 1x3 #200, 80% 1x2 #225, 85% 1x2...
My bowhunting season has officially kicked off with a High Country Mule Deer hunt in the great state of Nevada! Here's my Nutrition (daily) on an 8 day backpack hunt:...
Anyone coming across this training portion of ELKSHAPE just please be aware that this is what I do to stay in shape for life, for CrossFit, and for hunting with...