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September Has Arrived

September Has Arrived
Monday August 29th, 2016 1. Snatch 1x3 60% #135, 1x3 70% #155, #180x1, #190x2, #200x1, #205 miss, #190x1, #195x2 2. Split Jerk 60% 1x3 #200, 80% 1x2 #225, 85% 1x2 #242, #256 1x1, #245 2x2 3. Snatch Pull 7x2 70%,80,90,100,110,110,100 | #155,180,190,225,245,245,225 4. RDL 60%x3 #195, 70%,80,85,90,9595 | #227,260,275,292,308,308 5. AMRAP 7 minutes: 22 Double Unders + 10 Clean and Jerks #135 | 4 rounds + 30 reps 6. Accessory Circuit 4 rounds: 10 strict HSPU 10 deficit 4" push-ups 10 GHD Raises Screen Shot 2016-09-09 at 11.07.21 AM Tuesday August 30th, 2016 1. 3 mile hike, #50 pack, 1300 vertical 2. Clean and Jerk 3+3 70% #200, 2+2 80% #225, #245,#250, #255 one clean, #245, #245 3. Snatch Balance Doubles: #95,135,155,180,190,200 4. Front Squat 7x2 #225 Screen Shot 2016-09-09 at 11.07.31 AM Wednesday August 31st, 2016 REST DAY Thursday SEPTEMBER 1st, 2016 1. Snatch 3 Second pause at knee #115x3,#135x2,#155x2,#155x2 2. Push Jerks #165x3,#185x2,#205x2,#215x2,#205x2,#205x2 3. Clean Pulls 7x2 #185,215,235,255,255,255 4. Good Mornings 5x3 #95,115,135,135,135 5. Conditioning 4 Rounds for time: 300m Row + 25 Wall Ball Shots + 7 Deadlifts #185 | 10:30 Hunted near town up on the mountain, no deer, 1 bear and not a shooter, all my bucks all nocturnal at my spot. Friday SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2016 No training, No hunting... watched the kids while momma bear worked a 12 hour shift, this was painful. Saturday SEPTEMBER 3rd, 2016 5min AMRAPS with 3 minutes rest between: 1. 50 wall ball shots + remaining time max calories assault bike | 54 calories 2. 50 kettlebell swings #70 + remaining time max calories rower | 31 calories 3. 800m Run + remaining time max burpees | 28 burpees 4. 50 Box Jump overs + remaining time max 10m shuttle runs | 45 Hunted the evening and saw zero deer and one medium sized black bear. I can't believe I'm seeing so many bears, it's definitely the small spring near my stand that attracts them. Screen Shot 2016-09-09 at 11.07.39 AM Sunday SEPTEMBER 4th, 2016 Happy birthday to my buddy and nephew Josh, 17 years old! I'm taking him on my Mountain Goat hunt in a week! No hunting, just more of daddy day care. Monday SEPTEMBER 5th, 2016 1. Snatch at knee (pause) #125x3,145x3,155x3,165x3,175x2,180x2 2. Thrusters from the floor #105x3,135x3,155x3,170x3,190x3,200x3,210x1 3. Conditioning: 30-20-10 for time of: Front Squats #115 Toes to Bar Calorie Row | 10:46 Tuesday SEPTEMBER 6th, 2016 Seriously am dying here not hunting yet... 1. 3 Position Snatch #95,125,145,155,160 2. Jerk Balance Triples #135,165,175,185,205 3. Sots Press 5x3 #65 4. Back Squat Triples #205,225,245,260 5. Conditioning: 5 minute AMRAPS with 5 minutes Rest between... (a) 15 calories Assault Bike + 21 Deadlifts | 3+1 (b) 10 calories Assault Bike + 15 DB Push Press #45's | 3+13 (c) 5 calories Assault Bike + 9 Thrusters #115 | 4+5 Wednesday SEPTEMBER 7th, 2016 1. 3 clean & jerk (top down, jerk at each position) #145,170,185,200 2. Halting Snatch Pull Pause 3 seconds at knee triples #135,160,180,200 3. RDL 3x3 #200,220,230 4. 20 minute AMRAP 50 wall ball shots 50 double unders 40 box jumps 24" 40 toes to bar 30 chest to bar 30 burpees 20 power cleans #145 20 jerks #145 10 snatches #145 10 muscle ups | 1 round + 102 reps 5. 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Strict Chest to Bar Pull-ups Strict Ring Dips Pistols Thursday SEPTEMBER 8th, 2016 Worked until 2pm, then took a buddy to a ground blind to try and pull off a double doe harvest, didn't pan out. Friday SEPTEMBER 9th, 2016 Got up early and packed for UTAH. Mountain Goat hunt starts next week, plus I have elk on the brain. Life is hard. See you all in October.

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