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August Grindstone

August Grindstone
Monday August 22nd, 2016 Well, the mountains won. I lost about 7 lbs in a week, so feeling strong wasn't apart of today's training session. 1. Power Snatch 6x3 60%,70,75,80,85,80 | #95,135,145,155,165,155,145 2. Power Jerk 6x3 60%,70,75,80,85,80 | #171,200,215,228,242,215 3. Clean Grip Lift Off 6x3 70%,80,90,100,110,100 | #200,228,256,285,313,285 4. Front Squat 6x2 60%,70,75,80,85,80 | #195,227,243,260,277,260 5. Conditioning: 10 minute Time Cap: 2k Row + Max Effort HS Walks | 7:35 + 130' HS Walk 6. Accessory 3 rounds of: 10 Strict DB Press 10 DB Reverse Lunges 10 DB Deadlifts | unbroken #40's, #50's, #60's Tuesday August 23rd, 2016 1. Power Cleans 60%x3,70%x2,75,80,85,80 | #160,185,200,215,225,215 2. Split Jerks 60%x3,70%x2,75,80,85,80 | #170,200,215,235,245,235 3. Sn Grip Lift Off 6x2 70%,80,90,100,110,100 | #160,180,200,225,245,225 4. RDL 60%x3,70%x2,75,80,85,80 | #195,227,243,260,275,260 5. Conditioning: 5 MINUTE AMARAP (as many reps as possible) 15 calorie row + 10 thrusters #95 | 3 rounds + 7 reps REST 5 MINUTES 5 MINUTE AMARAP (as many reps as possible) 10 calorie row + 15 power cleans #95 | 3 rounds + 3 reps REST 5 MINUTES 5 MINUTE AMARAP (as many reps as possible) 15 calories assault bike + 10 toes to bar | 3 rounds + 15 reps REST 5 MINUTES 5 MINUTE AMARAP (as many reps as possible) 10 calories assault bike 15 kettlebell swings #70 | 3 rounds + 6 reps Wednesday August 24th, 2016 1. Snatch 60%x3, 70%x2,75,80,85,80 | #135,160,170,180,190,180 2. Jerk Squats 40%x3, 50%x2,60,65,70,65 | #110,135,145,155,145 3. Halting Clean Pull, 3 seconds JOF (just off floor) 70%x3, 80%x2,85,90,90,85 | #200,228,242,256,256,242 4. Back Squat 60%x3,70%x2,75,80,85,80 | #220,255,275,295,310,295 5. 7 rounds not for time: 50' Overhead Yoke Carry #275 + 1 strict muscle up + 1 strict dip + 3 kipping muscle ups 6. Conditioning for time: 400m Run + 21 toes to bar + 21 kipping HSPU 400m Run + 15 toes to bar + 15 strict HSPU 400m Run + 9 toes to bar + 9 kipping deficit 12" HSPU | 9:54 Thursday August 25th, 2016 Hiked the mountain, dropped off feed for the mountain bucks, 3 miles and 1,300 feet of vertical. Friday August 25th, 2016 1. Clean Jerk 3+3 60%, 2+2 70%,75,80,85,80 | #170,200,215,225,240,225 2. Halting Snatch Pull pause 3 seconds JOF 70%x3, 80%x2,85,90,90,85 | #180,190,205,205,190 3. RDL 60%x3, 70%x2,75,80,85,90,85 | #227,243,260,275,260 4. Conditioning for time: 1 mile Run + 8 rounds of 10 wall ball shots and 1 rope climb 800m Run + 4 rounds of 10 wall ball shots and 1 rope climb 400m Run + 2 rounds of 10 wall ball shots and 1 rope climb | 24:37 Spent the weekend rounding up trail cameras in Idaho. Plus, shot guns with my wife!

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