Week 30 | 2019
This is probably the most important week to really push the envelope on your training. I decided to do just that by completing my longest and hardest hike of the...
This is probably the most important week to really push the envelope on your training. I decided to do just that by completing my longest and hardest hike of the...
Make time for training, when you can, with what you got!
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Monday 3/4/19 OHS build to a heavy 5 rep | 195# AMRAP 12: 50' Handstand Walks, 10 OHS 135#, 15 Deadlifts 135# | 3 rounds + HS Walk + 3...
Monday 2/25/19 Power Snatch + OHS + Squat Snatch | Build to a heavy 165# Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5 195# Back Squats 1x20 205#, 1x15 225#, 1x10 245#, 1x5 265#...
1/1/2019 - Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) :30seconds of work, :30seconds of rest, rotation exercises: 1. Assault Bike Cals 2. Deadlifts (285#,265#,235#,185#,135# dropping each round) 3. Ski Erg Calories...
Monday 12/17/2018 Overhead Squat 3x3 | 185#,195,185 Front Squat 3x3 | 205#,235,265 Back Squat 3x3 | 265#,285,305 Back Rack Lunges 3x10 115# GHD Raises 4x5 Conditioning: 75 kettlebell swings 53#,...
Monday 8/6/18 1. 3 Position Squat Snatch (Hip/Knee/Floor) | 125-145# 2. Power Snatch + Squat Snatch 7 Sets 125-155# 3. Back Squat 235#x6,255x4,275x2,240x6,260x4,280x2,245x6,265x4,285x2 4. 5 Rounds for time: 10 Strict...
3 Day Bear hunt this week, left town and took my buddy from Wisconsin out for an Idaho bear. We did end up getting him an opportunity but ultimately we...
Partner Spotlight VORTEX OPTICS:LINK Monday 3/26/2018 1. Power Clean Triples | 95#,95,125,155,175,195,195,195 2. Back Squat 5x5 Climbing | 155#,205,235,255,275 3. 21-15-9 For Time: Assault Bike Calories 20" Box Step-ups 95#...
Here are the workouts from the first week of 2018. It's going to be one of those ass kicking years, I'm excited. Monday 01/01/2018 For Time: 7 rounds of Cindy...
2017 wraps up today. Solid year of growth and progress. Lots of hunting memories made, family trips, and new adventures. Looking forward to the next, here's the workouts from the...
Below is the secret sauce, how I stay in shape year round hunt ready. Nothing magical. Dedication and discipline. They are days I do not want to train but I...