November is coming... Finally.
Monday 10/23/2017 1. snatch balance doubles EMOM 7 | #125,145,145,165,165,175,175 2. EMOM 9 Squat Snatch MIN 1 #155x3 MIN 2 #165x2 MIN 3 #175x1 3. Deficit Pausing Snatch Grip Deadlift...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday 10/23/2017 1. snatch balance doubles EMOM 7 | #125,145,145,165,165,175,175 2. EMOM 9 Squat Snatch MIN 1 #155x3 MIN 2 #165x2 MIN 3 #175x1 3. Deficit Pausing Snatch Grip Deadlift...
Happy Father's Day to my DAD! You are the man. Monday 6/12/17 1. Max Effort Ring Muscle Ups - 19 2. Snatch Singles: #135,145,155,170,175,180 3. Snatch Pulls 3x4 107% #235...
Monday 3/13/2017 1. Power Snatch Doubles | #135,145,157,157,157,168 2. Snatch Pull 4x4 #205 3. Back Squats | 225x3,265x3,285x3,295x2,300x2 4. 3 rounds, Every 2 minutes do 1:25 ski erg and :35...
At the time of this writing I have a handful of days left on my late season archery deer tag in my home state of WA. I have been out...
Last minute trip items purchased this week: Dark Energy Poseidon $99 off Amazon Mountain House Tub of 10 Meals $65 Amazon Camo Cloth Tape $6 - taped my tripods to...
September comes and goes each year in a blink of an eye! I will try to do a brief recap, but I do have a lot of video captured that...
Monday August 29th, 2016 1. Snatch 1x3 60% #135, 1x3 70% #155, #180x1, #190x2, #200x1, #205 miss, #190x1, #195x2 2. Split Jerk 60% 1x3 #200, 80% 1x2 #225, 85% 1x2...
Monday August 22nd, 2016 Well, the mountains won. I lost about 7 lbs in a week, so feeling strong wasn't apart of today's training session. 1. Power Snatch 6x3 60%,70,75,80,85,80...