2016 Season

At the time of this writing I have a handful of days left on my late season archery deer tag in my home state of WA. I have been out enough to kill a big buck, problem is though I have not seen a mature deer during daylight hours. The rut here didn't spill over into late archery like it usually does so conditions have been tough. I will put a few more hunts in here and there, but it may come down to stroking a doe. In fact, I had an anterless tag for late season and stroked a doe yesterday while sitting in a mountain tree stand from dark to dark. The spot is so remote that I quartered the deer up there and hiked it out on my back.
Spring bear kicked my ass this year. I stuck a big bear and had wolves recover it before I could...you can't make this stuff up. Then I stroked a really big bear and made a horrible shot through "no-man's" land so that bear lived.
Fall was epic killing my first and probably last once-in-a-lifetime mountain goat in Utah on September 12th. Two days later I killed my the first bull in Idaho. Then a few days later I killed a good second bull on my dad's 60th birthday in Idaho. Finally, I drove to Arizona for late season elk and did the impossible and killed a great bull on my last day down there.
It's a rollercoaster ride and that's why I live to bowhunt. Now onto the off-season which means ramping up CrossFit and indoor shooting.
Monday 11/28/2016
1. Power Snatch Doubles #125,125,134,145,155,165,145
2. Split Jerk Doubles #135,165,185,205,225,205
3. Clean Mid Thighs Doubles #165,185,200,215,200
4. Front Squat Doubles #205,225,235,255,235
5. 3x12 Unbroken Bar Muscle Ups
6. 4 rounds for time:
5 ring muscle ups
10 squat snatches #115
15 box jump overs | 11:52
Tuesday 11/29/2016
1. 2 Cleans and 2 Jerk #180,190,210,225,210
2. Hang Squat Snatch Doubles #140,155,165,175,165
3. Halting Snatch Pull Doubles #155,180,190,205
4. 3 min AMRAP 15 cals Assault Bike + 15 Power Cleans #115 | 1+25
rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP 12 cals Assault Bike + 12 Power Cleans #135 | 1+23
rest 3 min
3 min AMRAP 9 cals Assault Bike + 9 Power Cleans #155 | 2+6
5. 18 min EMOM ODD: 18 cal row EVEN: 6 strict 4" deficit Handstand Push-up
Wednesday 11/30/2016
1. Snatch 2 reps #135,146,157,168,157
2. 2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks #160,175,185,200,185
3. Back Squat doubles #220,240,255,275,255
4. 14 minute EMOM odd: 25' HS Walk (add 5' each round) even: legless rope climb
5. For Time
3 rounds of 7 thrusters #75, 7 pull-ups, 7 burpees
15 cal row + 25 GHD sit-ups
3 rounds of 7 thrusters #75, 7 pull-ups, 7 burpees
15 cal ski erg + 25 GHD sit-ups
3 rounds of 7 thrusters #75, 7 pull-ups, 7 burpees
15 cal assault bike + 25 GHD sit-ups | 16:53
Friday 12/2/2016
Partner Workout...
WOD A. (10 min Cap)
100 Cal Assault Bike Cals
120 Thrusters *Switch every 15 reps #95/115/135/155
WOD B. (10 min Cap)
100 Cal Row
125 One Arm KB Snatch #70 *Switch every 20
WOD C. (10 min Cap)
300 Dubz
135 Hang Squat Clean & Jerk *Switch every 5 reps #95/115/135/155/175/195
Saturday 12/3/2016
1. Clean and Jerks
#170 2+2, #200 2+2, #230 2+1
#215, #225, #230, #240
2. Clean Pull Doubles #235,255,270,285,310,310
3. 12 min AMRAP
*3 power cleans every minute on the minute and start with #135
5 toes to bar
10 push-ups
15 wall ball shots #30 | 5+25