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The OFF-Season

The OFF-Season
Monday 12/5/2016 1. Power Snatches #115x3, 135x3, 150x2, 165 2x1, 150x1 2. Clean & Jerks 3+3 #145, 3+3 #145, 2+2 #200, #220x1, #230 2x1, #200x1 3. Back Squats #195x3, #230x3, #275x2, #290x1, #308x2, #275x1 4. 3x10 unbroken muscle ups | 3:16 5. 4 rounds for time: 20 wall ball shots #30 20 kettlebell swings #70 20 burpees 20 chest to bar pull-ups | 18:09 Tuesday 12/6/2016 1. Split Jerk + Rack Jerk + 2 OHS | #155,185,205,205,185 2. Snatch Pulls triples | #145,195,225,225,195 3. 3 minute amrap 3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 jerks #155 | 4+2 rest 3 minutes 3 minute amrap 3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 jerks #185 | 3 rest 3 minutes 3 minute amrap 3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 jerks #205 | 2+2 4. 6 rounds for time of: 9 strict handstand push-ups + 9 GHD sit-ups | 7:00 5. 9 rounds of row 1:40 rest :20 = total meters 4024 Wednesday 12/7/2016 1. 3 position snatch (hips, knees, floor) #95,115,135,157 2. Full Snatches #168,180,157 3. Clean and Jerks 50% 3+3 #142, 60% 3+3 #170, 70% 2+2 #200, 75% 1+1 #215, 80% 2+2 #230, 70% 1+1 #200 4. Front Squats 50% x3 #162, 60% x3 #195, 70% x3 #227, 75% x1 #243, 80% 2x1 #260, 70% x1 #227 5. For time EMOM for 10 rounds 7 OHS #95 + 7 toes to bar...then right into 1500m row 100 double unders 50 cal assault bike 100 double unders | total time: 21:59 Thursday 12/8/16 Rest day! Went out to my local grocery store and shot a 3x3 whitetail buck. Huge props to my dad for driving out and helping me recover it as I completely forgot my headlamp...also, it was in the negatives with the wind chill. The blood froze on my pass-through arrow immediately after the shot, that is CRAZY! It took us longer than expected to find the buck and I didn't get a grip and grin photo with him either, that's a first. Oh well, tags are punched, memories are made, and the freezer is busting at the seems. Friday 12/9/2016 Happy birthday to my homie LC 1. Snatch 65% x3 #145, 70% x3 #157, 75% x3 #170, 80% x2 #180, 85% x1 #190, 90% x1 #200, 80% x3 #180 2. Back Squat 8x3 83% #300 3. 3 Rounds for time: 12 box jumps 30" + 6 power snatches #135, + 6 bar muscle ups | 6:16 4. Partner workout: 5 rounds for time: 10 Dballs alternating #150 partner A 50' hs walk 10 pistols each partner B 50' hs walk | 12:32

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