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Monday 3/13/2017 1. Power Snatch Doubles | #135,145,157,157,157,168 2. Snatch Pull 4x4 #205 3. Back Squats | 225x3,265x3,285x3,295x2,300x2 4. 3 rounds, Every 2 minutes do 1:25 ski erg and :35 muscle ups | 55cals + 18 muscle ups 5. 3 rounds of 10 strict toes to bar + 20,30,40 zeus double unders (weighted jump rope) 6. For time: 300m row + 10 power snatches #115 + 300m row + 10 clusters #115 + 300m row + 10 power snatches rest 2:00 repeat. | 6:23, 6:53 Tuesday 3/14/2017 1. For Time: 21 HSPU strict rest 1:00 18 HSPU strict rest :45 15 HSPU strict rest :30 12 HSPU strict rest :15 9 HSPU strict | 5:26 2. Barbell Conditioning For Time: 10 thrusters #135 8 thrusters #155 6 thrusters #185 4 thrusters #205 2 thrusters #225 | 6:53 3. Jerk Technique off blocks | doubles #225 4. 3 rounds for time: 3 legless rope climbs 6 push jerks #185 12 deadlifts #225 24 toes to bar 48 wall ball shots #30 | 22:22 Wednesday 3/15/17 REST Day - spent a few hours shooting at the archery range!! Thursday 3/16/17 17.4 13 minute AMRAP 55 Deadlifts #225 55 Wall Ball Shots #20 55 Cal Row 55 HSPU | 201 reps, we have to redo as I redlined on the rower, rookie mistake. If you are reading this, that means that I went out way to hard and had no gas left in the tank for HSPU. Please Check out my Partners Bohning Archery 20% OFF use promo code: ELK SHAPE Caribou Gear Game Bags 10% OFF use promo code: cgelkshape Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel Elk Shape BOOK Phelps Quality Game Calls

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