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Monday 3/6/17 1. Snatch Doubles: 75,105,135,146,157,168,180,180 2. Snatch Pulls from deficit 4x4 #192 3. Back Squat Triples #295,295,295 4. For Time: 3 Rounds of... 3 power snatches #135 5 overhead squats #135 7 muscle ups Rest 3:00 minutes 9 power cleans #135 12 front squats #135 15 chest to bar pull-ups | 5. 3 rounds accessory of: 20 GHDSU 20 GHD Hip Back Extension with #65 bar Tuesday 3/7/17 1. 300m row, rest :20s, 4 rounds. Rest 1:00, repeat. | 11:59 2. 4xMax Effort Strict HSPU, 1:00 easy ski erg between sets | 13,14,10,11 3. EMOM x8 min 1 snatch #165x5 min 2 c&j #165x9 min 3 rest repeat... 4. 3 rounds for time: 20 cal bike 10 deadlifts #275 60 dubz | 8:51 5. Accessory work 3 rounds: strict ring dips weighted #20x5 pendalay rows #155x5 parallette jump throughs x5 Wednesday 3/8/17 1. C&J Doubles | #170,185,200,215,230,230 2. Clean Pulls 4x4 #245 3. Front Squat from Dead stop x3 | #155,205,225,245,250 4. Conditioning for time: 10 jerks #185 20 pistols 30 GHDSU 40 WB's #40 50' HS Walk 60 cal row 50' HS Walk 40 WB's 30 GHDSU 20 pistols 10 jerks | 16:08 Thursday 3/9/17 REST DAY Friday 3/10/17 17.3 Conditioning Prior to 8:00, complete: 3 rounds of: 6 chest-to-bar pull-ups 6 squat snatches (95/65) Then, 3 rounds of: 7 chest-to-bar pull-ups 5 squat snatches (135/95) *Prior to 12:00, complete 3 rounds of: 8 chest-to-bar pull-ups 4 squat snatches (185/135) *Prior to 16:00, complete 3 rounds of: 9 chest-to-bar pull-ups 3 squat snatches (225/155) *Prior to 20:00, complete 3 rounds of: 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups 2 squat snatches (245/175) Prior to 24:00, complete 3 rounds of: 11 chest-to-bar pull-ups 1 squat snatch (265/185) *If all reps are completed, time cap extends by 4 minutes. I completed 117 reps and my tie break time was 11:37, missed all 4 attempts at #225. Please Check out my Partners Bohning Archery 20% OFF use promo code: ELK SHAPE Caribou Gear Game Bags 10% OFF use promo code: cgelkshape Hoyt Achery Mtn Ops Vortex Optics Exo Mountain Gear Option Archery Easton Archery Sitka Gear FHF Gear Kenetrek Boots OnXmaps Elk Shape Youtube Channel Elk Shape BOOK

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