17.4 and 17.5

Monday 3/21/2017
1. 17.4 REDO - 1 round + 4 reps
2. Snatches hang climbing (at knee) #95-195
3. Back Squats #265 4x4
Tuesday 3/22/2017
1. 5 rounds of high hang squat clean + low hang squat clean + 2 jerks #215
2. For time:
500m Row
50 DB Thrusters #50's
30 Chest to Bar pull-ups
500m Row | 8:24
Wednesday 3/23/2017
1. OHS 5x2 with 5 second pause in bottom | #135,165,185,195,205
2. 6 minute AMRAP
10 power cleans #135
10 box jump overs 24" | 5 rounds + 5 reps
Thursday & Friday 3/24/17 and 3/25/17
All day firefighter academy, shot my bow at the range and didn't train besides what we did at academy.
Saturday 3/26/17 - shot my bow at the range, worked on the gym.
Sunday 3/27/17 - 17.5
10 rounds for time:
9 #95 thrusters
35 double unders | 8:44
Monday 3/28/17
1. snatch doubles: #135,145,155,175,185,185,165
2. snatch pulls just off floor 4x3 #205
3. back squats 5x5 #255
4. for time:
30 clean and jerks #135
20 muscle ups
20 snatches #135
10 muscle ups | 11:25
Tuesday 3/29/17
Running Clock, at 0:00 do 21-15-9
Row Calories + Snatches #75 + WB's #20 | 6:38
at 10:00, do 3 rounds of 15 calories bike + 15 SDHP #75 | 4:41
at 18:00, row 2k For time | 7:38
Wednesday 3/30/17
Shot at the range!
Thursday 3/30/17
Shot at the range!
1. Complex: 1 Power Clean + Front Squat + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk | 5 sets at #205
2. For time:
33 Deadlifts, 110#
33 Box jump, 24"
33 Kettlebell swings, 1.5 pood
33 Knees to elbows
33 Sit-ups
33 Pull-ups
33 Thrusters, 55#
33 Wall ball shots, 20#
33 Burpees
33 Double-unders | 13:39
Friday 3/31/17
1.14 min AMRAP with Partner, You go, then I go...
7 calories bike
7 DB #50's deadlifts
7 DB hang cleans
7 DB push press | 13 rounds + 16 reps
2. Snatch Hang at knee doubles | #95,125,155,175,175
3. Deadlifts #155x5,225x5,275x5, 325x3, 325x3
4. 2,000m RUN with partner, alternate 200m each
Please Check out my Partners
Bohning Archery 20% OFF use promo code: ELK SHAPE
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls