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1 Week out from AZ

1 Week out from AZ
Last minute trip items purchased this week: Dark Energy Poseidon $99 off Amazon Mountain House Tub of 10 Meals $65 Amazon Camo Cloth Tape $6 - taped my tripods to make them a little more concealed 1 Extra Battery for my Go Pro 4 Hero $20 Other Note Worthy Events: Interviewed with District 8 Fire Department, an oral board. Have no clue how I did. Studying for another Fire test next week before my trip departure to AZ. Hit up the Range several times. Grocery shopped for the trip to AZ. Went to a concert with my wife: FFDP and ShineDown and yes I wore ear plugs in the name of hunting. img_0885img_0974 Monday 10/31/2016 1. Snatch 60% #135 x4 65% #146 x4 70% #155 x4 75% #175 2x4 #185x1 #195x1 2. Snatch Pulls 4x3 90% #205 3. Back Squats with Band Tension 60% #135 x4 70% #185 x4 75% #235 x4 80% #245 2x4 4. 10 Rounds For Time: 7 Sumo Deadlift to High Pull #95 7 Front Squats 7 Push Jerks | 10:43 5. 8x4 Unbroken Muscle Ups for time: 4:57 Tuesday 11/1/2016 1. Partner Workout: 40 Thrusters #135 | 1:40 3 min rest 30 Thrusters #185 | 4:01 3 min rest 20 Thrusters #205 | 7:06 2. 4 min AMRAP 27 calorie row + 27 burpees + 27 chest to bar pull-ups | 1 rd + 8 rest 4 min 4 min AMRAP 21 calorie row + 21 buprees + 21 toes to bar | 1 rd + 19 rest 4 min 4 min AMRAP 15 calorie row + 15 burpees + 15 pull-ups | 1 rd + 34 3. Every 4:00 for 20 minutes (5 rounds) 400m Run + 12 chest to bar pull-ups + 9 toes to bar + 6 pull-ups 4. 75 GHD Hip Back Extensions + 50 GHD Sit-ups Wednesday 11/2/2016 1. Clean & Jerk 60%/3+1 #170 65%/3+1 #195 70%/3+1 #205 (75%/3+1)2 #215 2. Clean Pull (90%/3)4 #255 3. Front Squat (75%/4)5 #245 4. Barbell Conditioning 6 RFT: 3 Hang Squat Cleans (above knee) (205/145#) 1 Push Press 3 Low Hang Squat Cleans (below knee) 1 Push Jerk 3 Squat Cleans 1 Split Jerk *Rest 1:30 after each round Round 1 #155, Round 2 #165, Round 3 #175, Round 4 #185, Round 5 #195, Round 6 #205 | 20:26 5. Bike Conditioning 5 Rounds: 3 Min max cals 2 Min Rest | 35,36,32,36,33 calories Friday 11/4/2016 1. Snatch 65%/2 #155 70%/2 #165 75%/2 #175 80%/1 #185 80%/1 #185 2. Clean & Jerk 65%/2 #175 70%/2 #195 75%/2 #215 80%/1 #230 80%/1 #230 3. Back Squat 60%/3 #225 70%/3 #265 75%/3 #280 (80%3)3 #300 4. Teams of 2 for time: 100 Cal assault bike 75 Power cleans 135 50 STOH 135 2k Row 15 Rope Climbs | 21:06 Saturday 11/5/2016 1. Conditioning 3 Rounds for time: 60 Double-unders 30 Wallballs (rd 1 #30, rd 2 #25, rd 3 #20 med ball) 15 Deadlifts (245) | 13:00 2. Odd Object Conditioning 6 Rounds, NOT for time: 3 Free Standing HSPU 50m Prowler Push #210

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