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4 Weeks Out...

4 Weeks Out...
Monday July 27th, 2015 I got some 24 hour stomach flu, slept about 20 hours while forcing fluids and battling a high tempature. Tuesday July 28th, 2015 Shot at the gym, 30 yards, 5 arrows, 3 field points, and 2 broad heads slick trick deep six magnum 100 grain. 1. 3x5 Hands on Hips Squat Jumps 2. 3x4 Muscle Snatch #95,95,115,115 3. Off Blocks Snatch Pull x2 + Power Snatch x2 + Full sntach #115,135,135,145 4. Clean Deadlift x2 + Clean Just off floor + Front Squat + Jerk #185,205,215,220 5. Clean Just off the floor x2 + Jerk #220, 220 6. 1 round for time: 800m run + 30 Dball Ground to Shoulder #100 + 30 burpees - 9:52 Wednesday July 29th, 2015 Shot at the gym again, 20,30,40 yards and with broadhead only, digging the set-up. 1. Establish a heavy lift of this complex: 5 Push Press + 5 Front Squats + 5 Thrusters #165 (failed on #185) 2. Establish a heavy deadlift x5 - #245,295,347 3. Grace for time - 30 Clean and Jerks #135 - 2:42, worst performance in a while, but did it and it is done. Thursday July 30th, 2015 1. 2 Clean Deadlift + 2 Muscle Clean (knee) + Press | 4 sets #75 2. Bocks Clean Pull + Power Clean + Front Squat + Power Jerk | 4 sets #185 3. 2 Cleans + Jerk | #215,235,235,235 4. 2 Clean Deadlifts + 2 Clean Pulls (knee) | #275x4 5. 12x2 Box Back Squats EMOM | #155 + #80 Chains 6. 2x8 Back Squats | #185,215 Pretty light weight, very dynamic effort, no conditioning, but kept it fast paced and got it done under 1 hour! Shot with friends tonight at the range, did the course, and watched the sunset. Can't beat that! Friday July 30th, 2015 Barbell Conditioning Teams of 3:
 A. AMRAP 7 of Strict Press:
 50 reps at 95/65
 50 reps at 115/80
 AMRAP at 135/95 3 min Rest B. AMRAP 7 of Front Rack Step Out Lunges:
 50 reps at 115/75
 50 reps at 135/95 
AMRAP at 155/105 3 min Rest C. AMRAP 7 of Push Press:
 50 reps at 135/95
 50 reps at 155/105 
AMRAP at 185/135 
NOT for time Extra Credit Optional:
 A. 7×1 Strict Ring Muscle ups with med ball between your feet
 - used a #10 dynamax ball B. Accumulate 60 seconds of an L-sit on parallettes
 C. 100′ HS Walk Great weekend, shot my bow quite a bit each day, really pounded my targets with broadheads as well... in fact, here's a quick video

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