Week 25 | 2018

Monday 6/25/2018 - This was not a scheduled REST DAY, but the Dan Evans from Option Archery showed up at my gym right when I was about to workout. Instead of training, we poured over Nevada maps where I am elk hunting this fall and with his help we dropped a bunch of pins with onXhunt on my units, now I know where to camp and several options to check out and glass. This was so worth skipping working out. He's killed a B&C bull in this unit(s) before!
Tuesday 6/26/2018
1. Alternating on the Minute 12 minutes
ODD: 30sec max reps string ring dips
EVEN: Deadlifts: 6-6-4-4-2-2
Ring Dips | 12,12,12,13,13,12
Deadlifts: 225x6,255x6,275x4,300x4,320x2,340x2
2. 21-15-9 For Time:
Power Cleans 135#
Kettlebell Swings 70#
400m Run | 14:31
3. Aerobic Capacity Every Minute on the Minute for 20 Minutes:
Min 1 - 15 cal ski erg
Min 2 - 13 cal row
Min 3 - 10 cal bike (Assault)
Min 4 - Rest
Wednesday 6/27/2018
1. Squat Clean + 2 Front Squats | 135#,165,205,225,225
2. 27-21-15-9
Row Calories
Bench 115#
Chest to Bar Pull-ups | 13:22
3. Unbroken Sets of GHDSU | 25-20-15-10-5
Thursday 6/28/2018 - REST DAY
Friday 6/29/2018
Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds:
1 min wall ball shots 20#
1 min sumo deadlift to highpull 75#
1 min box jumps 20"
1 min push press 75#
1 min row calories
Rd 1 - 136
Rd 2 - 124
Rd 3 - 132 | Score = 392
Saturday 6/30/2018
Cal Bike (Rogue Echo)
Alternating 1 arm DB thrusters 50#
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls