Week 4 | 2018

Great week of training until I got ran over by a bus. I had a standard cold for most of the week, tried to power through but after traveling to Vegas for the 2018 Shot show, it caught up to me. I'm stoked to get back on my feet, and met with many of my partners for ELKSHAPE at SHOT show. 2018 is going to be exciting. I have big plans and am on the warpath!
Monday 01/22/1028
1. Build to a heavy 3 position clean (hip, knee, floor) | #145,195,215,235,245
2. Snatch (JOF - just off floor)
3x2 #155, 2x2 #165, 2x2 #176
3. D.T. 5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts #155
9 hang power clean
6 push jerks | 7:46
4. Bike 3 Rounds of:
1:00 on, 1:00 off
0:45 on, 0:45 off
0:30 on, 0:30 on | 123 calories
Tuesday 01/23/2018
1. Trueform Treadmill :20s Run and :40s walk for 8 rounds
2. Strict HSPU
AMRAP 3min | strict parallette hspu 10 reps
rest 1:00
AMRAP 3min | strict deficit hspu 4" 31 reps
rest 1:00
AMRAP 3min | strict hspu 36 reps
3. Conditioning 21-15-9
Wall Ball Shots #30
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
Thrusters #95
Box Jump Overs 24"
DB Snatch Alternating #50 | 14:55
1. Build to a heavy 3 Position Squat Snatch (hip, knee, floor) | #185
2. 3 Rounds For Time:
15 chest to bar pull-ups
12 lateral burpees over the bar
9 squat snatches #135 | 9:23
Thursday - REST DAY
Friday - SHOT SHOW and Sick as a Dog
Saturday - Back home from SHOT, still sick.
Sunday 01/28/2018
1. Build to a heavy:
Hang Power Clean + Jerk
3x3+3 #95,115,135
3x2+2 #155,165,175
3x1+1 #185,205,215
2. Back Squat 5-3-1-3-5
#260x5, 290x3, 315x1, 290x3, 260x5
3. Weighted Strict Pull-ups
#25x5, 35x5, 45x5, 55x3, 65x3
ElkShape Partners
Bohning Archery
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls