Week 32 | 2019
Here's a snapshot of my preparation for elk hunting season. These are free workouts that anyone can do regardless of their fitness level.
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Here's a snapshot of my preparation for elk hunting season. These are free workouts that anyone can do regardless of their fitness level.
Monday 7/29/19 CrossOver Symmetry Protocol Warm-up: 3 rounds not for time: 20 air squats, 5 kettlebell clean & jerk 35#'s, 5 dBall ground to over 7' pull-up bar 100# KB...
Here's a short list of workouts and other important items to do before elk hunting season.
Week 25 Training for those who want to check out what I do to prepare for elk hunting season. Monday 6/17/19 Back Squat work up to a heavy 5...
Hey if you're reading this then you probably creep on my training journal - thank you! I have been pretty off track on training, due to bear season and a...
Monday 4/22/19 Squat 2x5 warm-up, 4x5 50% (deload week) 185# coupled with RNT banded lunges 15 per leg between sets 3 Rounds for time: 30 cal bike, 15 OHS 135#,...
Monday 4/1/19 Back Squats 3x5 warm-up sets, x5 205#, x5 235#, x5 270#, x3 315# Team of 3, 30 Rounds For Time (one person working at a time), 5 Thrusters...
Monday 2/25/19 Power Snatch + OHS + Squat Snatch | Build to a heavy 165# Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5 195# Back Squats 1x20 205#, 1x15 225#, 1x10 245#, 1x5 265#...
Monday 2/18/19 EMOM 8: 2 Clean & Jerks Climbing | ended at 225# Front Squats 5-5-3-3-3-1-1-1 Climbing | ended at 300# AMRAP 8: Clean & Jerks 170# | 41 reps...
Monday 1/14/19 8 rep heavy back squat | 275#, then 2x8 at 90% of that number 250# 8 rep heavy push press | 145#, then 2x8 at 90% of that...
Monday 12/10/18 (1) EMOM 12 Minutes: min 1 15 cal bike, min 2 15 cal row, min 3 12 burpees (2) Back Squat 5x5 275# (3) 10 Minute AMRAP: 15 toes...
Monday July 2nd 2018 1. VanDamme 30 snatches 135# 10 muscle ups 30 clean and jerks 135# 10 muscle ups 30 thrusters 135# 10 muscle ups | 19:53 2. 3...
Monday 6/25/2018 - This was not a scheduled REST DAY, but the Dan Evans from Option Archery showed up at my gym right when I was about to workout. Instead...