1 Week Out From Nevada
Monday August 1st, 2016 Woke up sick as a dog, flu like crap. Had a fever, didn't train, BUT made it to the archery range and spent two hours dialing...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday August 1st, 2016 Woke up sick as a dog, flu like crap. Had a fever, didn't train, BUT made it to the archery range and spent two hours dialing...
Monday July 11th, 2016 1.Snatch complex (1 snatch pull+2 power snatch+2 squat snatch) 50%-1,55%-1,60%-1,65%-1 | #115,125,135,145 2.Power jerk 50%-5,55%-5,60%-5,65%-5,65%-5 | #145,155,175,185,185 3.Clean grip lift off w/ 5 sec hold at...