Week 21 | 2018
Yes, my training is slacking... but I'm in the thick of bear hunting and trying to salvage any spare time to go out and chase bears. I got some training...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Yes, my training is slacking... but I'm in the thick of bear hunting and trying to salvage any spare time to go out and chase bears. I got some training...
Pretty good training week, only got 4 days in but the rest were spent bear hunting in Idaho. I was able to do the old spot and stalk deal on...
PODCAST with Gritty Bowmen: Monday 5/8/17 1. Snatch 60% x4 (135), 65% x4 (145), 70% 3x4 (#160) 2. Snatch Pull 160x5, 180x5, 3x5 190 3. Back Squats 77% x5 (280),...
Busy week of running the gym, working at the fire station trying to get my task book complete, some training and shooting at the range. The biggest thing is that...
This was a great bear season. I hunted a total of 7 days spread out through May and June 2016. Most of the hunts were spot and stalk, I never...
I spent a couple days last week bear hunting in Idaho. My one bait is getting hit by a couple of boars, but nothing spectacular. I do like the set-up...
My wife is 4 days past her due date, we are patiently waiting to meet the newest addition to our little fam. Monday 5/23/2016 Much needed Rest day from the...
Monday 11/2/2015 Well I went to the range yesterday and broke 5 arrows (my entire quiver) with some mechanical breakdown. My dog stood on my bow case and I believe...
Bear camp 2015 was as always, a necessary break from the mundane everyday normal existence. It was great to reunite with great friends, hear many stories, and capture some awesome...
Did the last open wod today #15point5 and it was as advertised | Power + Engine 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters M 95 lb. F 65 lb....
Today's HORRIBLE Training Day: 1. Weakness warm-up Run 1 mile 6:14 2. Met-Con 20-10-5 Bar facing burpees Power snatch 135/95lbs 8:09 3. OLY EMOM for 6 Rounds 3 Back squat...
Here's the video from the first bear I was able to harvest, some of the best footage for me personally to date: 06/19/2014 1. Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean...
Today I did an active rest session with some skill development, I told you my receiving position was rusty on the snatch, so time to fix that!!!! I did the...