It's Spring Bear Season!

PODCAST with Gritty Bowmen:
Monday 5/8/17
1. Snatch 60% x4 (135), 65% x4 (145), 70% 3x4 (#160)
2. Snatch Pull 160x5, 180x5, 3x5 190
3. Back Squats 77% x5 (280), 83% x1 (302), 77% x5 (280), 85% x1 (310), 77% x5 (280), 87% x1 (320)
4. 30 burpee muscle ups for time with #10 vest | 7:23
5. 5 rounds for time:
9 power cleans axle bar #135
15 push-ups
21 air squats
200m Row | 14:35
Tuesday 5/9/17
1. For time: 1200m Run + 12 rounds of:
4 strict handstand push-ups
8 chest to bar pull-ups
12 air squats #10 vest | 17:05
2. 21-15-9 DB Snatch alternating #70 + ring dips | 4:26
Overhead Yoke Carry 50m #190
Sled Pull with Rope #90 25m
50 dubz with Zeus rope (weighted)
10 windshield wipers
10 1 arm DB Row #70
10 DB curl to press #35
Wednesday 5/10/17
1. For Time:
60' Handstand Walk + 10 toes to bar + 10 deadlifts #275 trap bar
60' Handstand Walk + 12 toes to bar + 12 deadlifts #275 trap bar
60' Handstand Walk + 14 toes to bar + 14 deadlifts #275 trap bar
60' Handstand Walk + 16 toes to bar + 16 deadlifts #275 trap bar | 10:24
2. For time:
100' 1 arm DB #70 Overhead Walking Lunge
100 dubz
50 wall ball shots #30
10 15' rope climbs
50 wall ball shots #30
100 dubz
100' 1 arm DB #70 Overhead Walking Lunge | 14:54
Thursday 5/11/17
Fire Station, rest day
Friday 5/12/2017 - BEAR HUNTING:
Please Check out my Partners
Bohning Archery 20% OFF use promo code: ELK SHAPE
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
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Phelps Quality Game Calls