2016 Season is about to start...
I spent a couple days last week bear hunting in Idaho. My one bait is getting hit by a couple of boars, but nothing spectacular. I do like the set-up and the remoteness, but it will just require patience to get it done. I am hoping after the baby arrives I can carve out a couple of consecutive days to get a bear killed.
So far I have drawn a mule deer archery tag in Nevada.
A once-in-a-lifetime mountain goat tag in Utah.
A late season archery elk tag in Arizona.
I'm really excited about this year's potential.
Monday May 30th, 2016
1. "Murph"
Run 1 mile
100 pull-ups
200 push-ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile
**10# vest, no partition | 42:15
Tuesday May 31st, 2016
1. 6 rounds with 2 minutes rest b/t rounds:
2 minutes: 20 cal bike + max effort power cleans #185
120 calories total + 50 power cleans total
2. Back Squat Triples: #225,295,315,335x2,295
3. 4 rounds not for time:
20 GHD Sit-ups + 12" deficit strict hspu 3-5 reps
Wednesday June 1st, 2016
Archery Range day, shot the 16 target 3d course!
1. Snatch off blocks at knee...
doubles #135,155,175
singles #185,195,205,215f
2. Clean and Jerk off blocks at knee...
3. Clean Pulls off blocks at knee 5x3 #275
4. Yoke Carry #375 40m x3, #475 20m x1
5. For Time: Toes to bar Cycling
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 | 1:56
6. 2 minutes of double unders + 2 minute rest + 2 minutes of double unders | 176+163
7. 8 rounds of Assault Bike for calories:
:35s work :25s rest | 96 calories
Thursday June 2nd, 2016 | REST DAY... 20 minute bike flush + ROMWOD.com
Friday June 3rd, 2016
1. EMOM for 9 rounds, 1 power clean 75% #215
2. EMOM for 9 rounds, 1 power snatch 75% #155
3. 2 Front Squats + 2 Push Jerks #185,205,225,230,230,235
4. 4 rounds of Overhead Yoke Carry #220 LEGIT!
5. For Time:
10 Muscle Ups
15 Dball Ground to over 7' Pull-up Bar #70
25 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24"
50 Toes to Bar
100 Calorie Row
200 Double Unders | 18:12
Saturday June 4th, 2016
Today I took the IFSAC Firefighter 1 practical and HazMat Awareness & Ops practical. Passed both. Just going to wait around for the baby and sneak off to the archery range tonight when it cools off and the wind dies down for some group therapy.