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Waiting to Meet Tristen Sawyer Staton

Waiting to Meet Tristen Sawyer Staton
My wife is 4 days past her due date, we are patiently waiting to meet the newest addition to our little fam. Monday 5/23/2016 Much needed Rest day from the weekend's CrossFit Regional Event. Tuesday 5/24/2016 1. Snatch EMOM 10 minutes Singles #135,145,155,165,170,175,185,190,195,205miss,185 2. Snatch Pulls from Deficit EMOM for 4 minutes #205 3. Snatch Pulls from blocks below knee EMOM for 4 Minutes #225 4. Back Squat Doubles #225,245,265,295,315,335 5. Conditioning with a partner, one person does a round while the other rests for 20 minutes: 200m Run + 10 Power Snatches #75 + 5 bar facing burpees | 13 rounds total + 200m Run 6. Accessory work: a) Kettlebell Clean to Strict Press #53's 3x5 b) Strict Deficit 12" HSPU (paralettes) + Kipping 3x3+3 c) Back Extensions + GHD Raises 3x5+5 Wednesday 5/25/2016 1. Overhead Squat Triples from the floor: #155,185,215,235,245f,225 2. Snatch Grip Push Press Doubles off Blocks 5 sets #185-205 3. Every :40 seconds for 8 minutes #200 Power Clean 4. Every :40 seconds for 8 minutes #145 Power Snatch 5. For Time: 75 wall ball shots + 50 toes to bar + 50 wall balls + 25 toes to bar | 8:45 6. Prowler Sled #190 5 sets of 50m Push, rest as needed 7. Team of 3: 150 GHD Sit-ups for time, 25 rep increments| 4:21 Thursday 5/26/2016 1. Front Squat Doubles off box with #80 Chains | #115,165,195,205,then drop set all the way back to #115 2. Thruster Ladder: 10 reps #95, 8 reps #115, 6 reps #135, 4 reps #155, 2 reps #185, 1 rep #205 | 2:10 then back down after 2 minutes rest | 3:30 3. Partner WOD, share work: 30 cal row + 20 power cleans #155 + 10 box jumps 30" | 8:25 4. Accessory Circuit: bench time under tension slow 5 reps #50's reverse hyper #190 x12 banded good mornings x12 barbell good mornings #95 Friday-Sunday - BEAR HUNTING IN IDAHO! I did some spot n stalk over the weekend, glassed up 7 bears in total. I made one stalk on a boar sleeping in the middle of a clear cut and got to about 60 yards before the wind swirled and he took off. It wasn't a monster bear, but a respectable bear nonetheless. I caught a little bit of footage of him sleeping. I have a bait set as well that has two different boars hitting it, but both bears looked to be not mature enough. I will get out in a couple of weeks to punch some bear tags. IMG_3984 IMG_3929 [caption id="attachment_11960" align="alignnone" width="300"]DCIM101GOPROG0035910. DCIM101GOPROG0035910.[/caption]

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