last week of april

Busy week of running the gym, working at the fire station trying to get my task book complete, some training and shooting at the range. The biggest thing is that I finally get to go to the mountains, albeit a day, I'm getting out there! The plan is to set a bear bait or two, and spend the evening looking for a bear to spot and stalk with the bow!
Monday 4/24/2017
1. 2 rounds for time:
10 deadlifts #315
20 deficit 4.5" handstand push-ups
30 front squats #95 | 8:18
Tuesday 4/25/2017
1. Power Clean + Push Jerk 2+2 | #135,185,195,195,205,215
2. Weighted Pull-ups 5,6,7,8 #20
3. Weighted Dips 5,6,7,8 #20
4. Power Snatches pause at knee | x3 #95,95,115,115
5. Split DB Curl to Press x10 | #20's,35's,35's
6. Bench DB 3x10 #70's
7. Barbell Bent Row 3x10 #135
8. GHD Raises 5,8,8,10
Wednesday 4/26/2017
1. For Time:
50 dubz with zeus rope
25 kipping handstand push-ups
100 dubz
25 kipping handstand push-ups
100 dubz
25 kipping handstand push-ups | 6:55
2. For time:
21-15-9 bike calories + kettlebell swings #70... right into
18-12-5 row calories + burpees over the erg... right into
12-9-6 squat cleans #155 + 200m Run | 18:48
Friday 4/28/2017
25 Minute AMRAP
400m Ski Erg
10 squat snatches #135
15 cal bike
20 burpee box jumps 24"
25 cal row
30 dubz | 2 rounds + 2200m Ski Erg
Please Check out my Partners
Bohning Archery 20% OFF use promo code: ELK SHAPE
Caribou Gear Game Bags
Hoyt Achery
Mtn Ops
Vortex Optics
Exo Mountain Gear
Option Archery
Easton Archery
Sitka Gear
FHF Gear
Kenetrek Boots
Elk Shape Youtube Channel
Elk Shape BOOK
Phelps Quality Game Calls