Week 46 | 2018
Sorry for the delay in this post, I managed to lock myself out of my own website! Here ya go: Monday 11/12/18 4 MINUTE AMRAPS | rest 2 minutes b/t...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Sorry for the delay in this post, I managed to lock myself out of my own website! Here ya go: Monday 11/12/18 4 MINUTE AMRAPS | rest 2 minutes b/t...
Monday 11/5/18 For Time: 30 cal row 30 thrusters 45# 10 ring muscle ups 30 cal bike 20 thrusters 45# 10 ring muscle ups 30 cal ski erg 10 thursters...
Monday 10/29/18 1. Build to a heavy Power Clean 245# 2. Build to a heavy Bench 235# 3. Build to a heavy Back Squat 335# 4. 3 sets, rest 2...
BACK from my elk hunting season and that rollercoaster. Without fail I met adversity head on. I will try to sit down and write up my thoughts, but for now...
Monday 7/16/18 1. Back Squat EMOM 9 min 1 - 5 reps 245# min 2 - 3 reps 265# min 3 - 1 rep 300# repeat 2. Back Rack Reverse...
Yes, my training is slacking... but I'm in the thick of bear hunting and trying to salvage any spare time to go out and chase bears. I got some training...
Pretty good training week, only got 4 days in but the rest were spent bear hunting in Idaho. I was able to do the old spot and stalk deal on...
Monday 4/16/2018 1. EMOM for 12 Minutes Minutes 1-5 | clean pull + hang power clean + power clean + jerk | 205# Minutes 5-12 | power clean + jerk...
Great week of training until I got ran over by a bus. I had a standard cold for most of the week, tried to power through but after traveling to...
Monday 01/15/2018 1. Every :90 seconds for 3 rounds 3 power snatch + 2 hang squat snatch + 1 squat snatch #95 2. Low Hang Squat Snatch 3x2 #150 2x2...
Monday 01/08/2018 1. Snatch on the 2:30 (5 rounds) 5 touch and go squat snatches | #135,155,165,170,175 2. 9-6-3 Strict Muscle Ups | rest 2:00 b/t rounds | 7:17 3....
Great week slowly getting back into the groove of real life. I'm running the gym, working at the fire department, changing diapers and shooting my bow. I also am starting...
Monday 8/21/17 1. Snatches 95x3,115x3,135x3,155x2,165x2,175x2,185x1,175x3 2. snatch grip deadlift w/pause at power position 5 seconds 5x5 #175 3. Back squats 5x5 climbing #155,205,235,255,275 4. For Time: 30 cal bike 5...