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  • WEEK 2 | 2018

    WEEK 2 | 2018

    Monday 01/08/2018 1. Snatch on the 2:30 (5 rounds) 5 touch and go squat snatches | #135,155,165,170,175 2. 9-6-3 Strict Muscle Ups | rest 2:00 b/t rounds | 7:17 3....

  • Welcome to 2018

    Welcome to 2018

    Here are the workouts from the first week of 2018. It's going to be one of those ass kicking years, I'm excited. Monday 01/01/2018 For Time: 7 rounds of Cindy...

  • October Lull

    October Lull

    Great week slowly getting back into the groove of real life. I'm running the gym, working at the fire department, changing diapers and shooting my bow. I also am starting...

  • Almost September

    Almost September

    Monday 8/21/17 1. Snatches 95x3,115x3,135x3,155x2,165x2,175x2,185x1,175x3 2. snatch grip deadlift w/pause at power position 5 seconds 5x5 #175 3. Back squats 5x5 climbing #155,205,235,255,275 4. For Time: 30 cal bike 5...

  • Scouting Trip for Antelope

    Scouting Trip for Antelope

    Monday 7/17/2017 1. Overhead Squats triples 95/115/135/155/175/185/200/200/200 2. Power Snatch Triples 95:135/150/150/150 3. Snatch Pull Triples 200/200/200 4. Conditioning: 21-15-9 DB snatches alternating #70 12-9-6 hang power cleans #155 5:41...

  • Summer Scouting

    Summer Scouting

    Tuesday July 4th, 2017 1. Snatch Triples | #75,105,135,155,175,175,175 2. Snatch Pulls 4x3 #215 3. With a partner, you go I go... 4:00 amrap hspu | 102 reps 4. With...

  • Bear Season Opens

    Bear Season Opens

    It's been extremely chaotic lately, I am going through some "ADULTing." Trying to get my firefighter task book complete, working three 8-12 hour shifts at the department for training, running...

  • CrossFit Open 16.1

    CrossFit Open 16.1

    The official start to the 2016 CrossFit Games season. Either as a coach or athlete, I'm going to the games this year! Here's what I did for the week training...

  • Open starts in a couple of weeks.

    Open starts in a couple of weeks.

    2016 CrossFit Games Open starts at the end of the month. It is a 5 week world wide online fitness competition. I predict about half a million people participate this...

  • Now's the time to get in elk shape

    Now's the time to get in elk shape

    Featured Image: an Internet ad for Mtn Ops Today - Recovery Swim - 500 meters of technique work. LINK Extreme Elk Blog http://extremeelk.com/nows-the-time-to-get-in-elk-shape Check out this video on early elk...

  • Another Day of Training

    Another Day of Training

    Here's some footage of yesterday's training... 1.Warm-up Run 1 Mile 7:35 - 80% effort 2. Met-Con AMRAP 12 Minutes – Climb the Ladder 1 Power Snatch 135/95lbs 1 Muscle-up 2...

  • Throwback Thursday

    Throwback Thursday

    Here's a little throwback video to when I first started making fitness vids for Hoyt Archery: Today's Brutal Workouts: (1) Clean & Jerk 1x3 60% #177, 1x2 70% #205, 1x2...

  • Podium


    Last weekend we competed in a team competition and got 1st place... no big deal. That was my third competition in the month of January, I learned a lot. We...