WEEK 2 | 2018
Monday 01/08/2018 1. Snatch on the 2:30 (5 rounds) 5 touch and go squat snatches | #135,155,165,170,175 2. 9-6-3 Strict Muscle Ups | rest 2:00 b/t rounds | 7:17 3....
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday 01/08/2018 1. Snatch on the 2:30 (5 rounds) 5 touch and go squat snatches | #135,155,165,170,175 2. 9-6-3 Strict Muscle Ups | rest 2:00 b/t rounds | 7:17 3....
It's goal setting season! Take the time, make the time, and write them down. Dream Big. Make a plan, then go execute and crush 2018. Monday 12/18/17 1. Every :90...
Monday 8/21/17 1. Snatches 95x3,115x3,135x3,155x2,165x2,175x2,185x1,175x3 2. snatch grip deadlift w/pause at power position 5 seconds 5x5 #175 3. Back squats 5x5 climbing #155,205,235,255,275 4. For Time: 30 cal bike 5...
Monday 8/7/2017 1. OHS 4x6 #165,185,205,215 2. 4 Rounds For Time: 20 cal row 16 wall ball shots #30 ball 10' target 8 hang power snatches #115 | 12:49 Tuesday...
2016 CrossFit Games Open starts at the end of the month. It is a 5 week world wide online fitness competition. I predict about half a million people participate this...
Monday 11/2/2015 Well I went to the range yesterday and broke 5 arrows (my entire quiver) with some mechanical breakdown. My dog stood on my bow case and I believe...
Today's volume was hard. Fatigue Makes Cowards of Us All. The only easy day was yesterday! 1. snatch – Based off #215 MAX, 1×3@60% #125, 1×2@70% #150, 1×2@80% #170, 1×2@90%...
Here's a little throwback video to when I first started making fitness vids for Hoyt Archery: Today's Brutal Workouts: (1) Clean & Jerk 1x3 60% #177, 1x2 70% #205, 1x2...
Today, I am feeling those pause squats and speed squats from yesterday, but I did mange to get 1 workout in and it was fun... For Time: 80 Burpee Box...