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  • Week 46 | 2018

    Week 46 | 2018

    Sorry for the delay in this post, I managed to lock myself out of my own website! Here ya go: Monday 11/12/18 4 MINUTE AMRAPS | rest 2 minutes b/t...

  • Week 45 | 2018

    Week 45 | 2018

    Monday 11/5/18 For Time: 30 cal row 30 thrusters 45# 10 ring muscle ups 30 cal bike 20 thrusters 45# 10 ring muscle ups 30 cal ski erg 10 thursters...

  • Week 44 | 2018

    Week 44 | 2018

    Monday 10/29/18 1. Build to a heavy Power Clean 245# 2. Build to a heavy Bench 235# 3. Build to a heavy Back Squat 335# 4. 3 sets, rest 2...

  • Week 43 | 2018

    Week 43 | 2018

    Monday 10/22/2018 1. Back Squat build to a heavy set of 9 reps | 275# 2. EMOM (every minute on the minute) ODD: Deadlift doubles climbing 340# EVEN: Bench Press...

  • Week 42 | 2018

    Week 42 | 2018

    Monday 10/15/18 1. Back Squat, build to a heavy set of 7 reps | 275# 2. Power Snatch Doubles | 95#,115,135,145,155 3. Bench 3-2-1 | 195#x3, 210#x2, 225#x1 4. For...

  • WEEK 40 | 2018

    WEEK 40 | 2018

    BACK from my elk hunting season and that rollercoaster. Without fail I met adversity head on. I will try to sit down and write up my thoughts, but for now...

  • Week 26 | 2018

    Week 26 | 2018

    Monday July 2nd 2018 1. VanDamme 30 snatches 135# 10 muscle ups 30 clean and jerks 135# 10 muscle ups 30 thrusters 135# 10 muscle ups | 19:53 2. 3...

  • Week 21 | 2018

    Week 21 | 2018

    Yes, my training is slacking... but I'm in the thick of bear hunting and trying to salvage any spare time to go out and chase bears. I got some training...

  • Week 20 | 2018

    Week 20 | 2018

    Pretty good training week, only got 4 days in but the rest were spent bear hunting in Idaho. I was able to do the old spot and stalk deal on...

  • Week 7 | 2018

    Week 7 | 2018

    Monday 02/19/2018 1. EMOM for 5 Rounds: min 1 - 4 Deadlifts 275# min 2 - 4 wall climbs with push-up min 3 - 4 Dball cleans 150# min 4...

  • Week 4 | 2018

    Week 4 | 2018

    Great week of training until I got ran over by a bus. I had a standard cold for most of the week, tried to power through but after traveling to...

  • Week 3 | 2018

    Week 3 | 2018

    Monday 01/15/2018 1. Every :90 seconds for 3 rounds 3 power snatch + 2 hang squat snatch + 1 squat snatch #95 2. Low Hang Squat Snatch 3x2 #150 2x2...

  • WEEK 2 | 2018

    WEEK 2 | 2018

    Monday 01/08/2018 1. Snatch on the 2:30 (5 rounds) 5 touch and go squat snatches | #135,155,165,170,175 2. 9-6-3 Strict Muscle Ups | rest 2:00 b/t rounds | 7:17 3....