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Countdown to Arizona

Countdown to Arizona

Monday 10/12/2015
1. 5-4-3-2-1 Box Back Squats with #80 Chains
#165+ chains, 195 plus chains, 215 plus chains, 245 plus chains, 265 plus chains
Chains add weight as you stand up out of the hole maximizing time under tension on the concentric contraction.
2. 5x3 Strict Shoulder Press #115,125,135,140,145
3. Good Mornings 5x5 #115,125,135,140,145
4. 50 Hang Squat Cleans For Time. Start with and EMOM x lateral bar burpees #135 | 4:40
5. EMOM for 12 minutes
station 1 - :30 sec max cal row 15,16,15,15
station 2 - 10 GHD Sit-ups
station 3 - :30 second Hollow rocks.

Tuesday 10/13/2015
1. 5-4-3-2-1 Power Cleans & Thrusters #155 - 2:20
2. 4 Rounds For Time:
21 cal assault bike
14 9" Deficit HSPU (kipping)
7 DB Squat Cleans #50's
3. Clean Grip Deadlifts Deficit 3x3 #75

Wednesday 10/14/2015
Much needed rest day. Ordered a map of unit 23 north from Flatline Maps. Went to the range, shot broadheads out to 70 yards, using a single pin slider for Arizona as I plan on doing a spot and stalk program. I will leave my slider set on 50 yards and begin to shoot ranges of 20-60 with that setting to ensure no issues, but obviously I want to be able to sneak in on a big bull bedded and wait for him to stand up to feed/stretch and slap one through him at a precise distance and setting.
Building more VAPS as well.

Thursday 10/15/2015
1. Snatch off Blocks at knee | #135,155,165,175,185x3
2. Split Jerks off Blacks | #155x3, 195x3, 215x3, 235x1, 245x1
3. Front Squat with 3 sec pause at bottom 4x2 | #205,225,245,255
4. Partner Workout For Time:
100 dubz one person
100 chest to bar person (only one person working at a time)
50 toes to bar (when person hangs while the other works)
2 bar muscle ups each
100 dubz one person - 10:00
5. Partner Workout #2 For Time:
500m run with ball (Together) #30 ball
200 Dubz (1 Person works)
100 Box STEPS 24” (Alternating)
80 WB sit ups (Alternating) #30
60 Dead Lifts (Partner Hold) 135
40 STOH (Partner Holds) 135
20 Burpee Wall Balls (Alternating) #30
500m run with ball (Together) #30

Friday 10/16/2015
1. Squat Snatch x5 EMOM for 5 minutes #135 (no misses)
2. Back Squat x1 EMOM for 10 minutes #300
3. 20 minute AMRAP:
3 power cleans + 3 front squats + 3 jerks #185
13 rounds + 1 power clean.
4. 30 muscle ups for time | 4:00

I would say that I am a ways from being back to 100% crossfit form, but I am really pleased with the volume and recovery. I have been easing my way back into heavy loads. I will rest up this weekend, perhaps do a run or flush workout and spend some time with my bow!!!!

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