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1 Week Out...

1 Week Out...

Monday August 17th, 2015

Work up to a heavy complex of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS
#115,135,155,175,185 no misses.

Strength/Gymnastics Conditioning


Odd: 6 Heavy Thrusters #135

Even: 6 Bar Muscle ups



12 Pull-Ups

12 Burpees

200m Run

Shot 10 arrows with broadheads at 30 and 40 yards inside the gym when nobody was there.

Tuesday August 18th, 2015
Went to the range and shot broadheads at 50,75,80,40,30 and was loving the practice! Everyday!!!! Muscle memory and CONFIDENCE.


Build to a max complex of: Front Squat + Push Press + Thruster - #221


Death by Power Clean #205 6 rounds plus 5.

3 rounds of:

Min 1: 15/12 Cal Row

Min 2: 10 Clean and Jerks, 135/95

Min 3: 20/16 Cal Ski Erg or Assault Bike or AirDyne Bike

Min 4: 10 OHS, 135/95 - Done.

Wednesday August 19th, 2015
1. Build up to a heavy 5 rep hang power clean #155,185,185,195,200
2. 500m Sled Pull with partner
round 1 sled + #45
round 2 sled + #90
round 3 sled + #135 - pure evil!

Thursday August 20th, 2015
Rest Day

Friday August 21st, 2015
1. Speed Squats doubles with safety bar and #80 chains. 5 sets | #155+chains,205+chains,225+chains.
2. 2x8 Back Squats #225,255
3. HS Walks 25',50',75' plus strict hspus x8 each set.
4. Reverse Hypers 3x10
5. Dball ground to over a 7' wall #70 3x5
6. Dball ground to shoulder #100 3x5.

Hiked into my whitetail spot with #40 pack. Made it up the mountain, pulled my cards, and will be hunting there September first, I have bears, bulls, cows, does, and bucks. It's a great place to hunt on public ground.

Saturday August 22nd, 2015.
Spent the day with a good friend doing a ride-along at a fire station. We didn't get any calls so we ended up doing some strength for about an hour...
1. Snatch Deadlift + Snatch High Pull + Power Snatch #95,115,135x3
2. Snatch High Pull + Full Snatch #135,155,165,175x3
3. Snatch Pull x3 #205,225x3
4. Hang Full Clean + Jerk #205,225,245x3
5. Pause Front Squats 3x2 #205,225,245
6. Pendlay Rows 3x5 #165
7. Core 3x10 Strict Toes to Rings + Max L-Sit.

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