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Monday 01/18/2016 1. Snatch EMOMx9 Min 1: 80% | #175 Min 2: 83% | #180 Min 3: 86% | #185 Min 4: 89% | #190 Min 5: 83% | #180 Min 6: 86% | #185 Min 7: 89% | #190 Min 8: 90+% | #195 Min 9: 90+% | #205 2. Snatch Accessory 5×2 Snatch Grip Pausing Deads – pause 2″ off the floor for 3 full seconds before finishing the lift.| #225-235 3. Squat 5×2 Box Squats – Set the box up just below parallel. Pause for 2 seconds on the box. Shins should stay vertical throughout the movement. #275 + #80 Chains 4. Strength Accessory 3x5 Snatch Grip Push Press Behind the Neck #205 SESSION2 1. Conditioning “The Dirty Thirty” 30 Box Jumps, 30/24 30 C2B Pull ups 30 Kettlebell Swings, 2/1.5-pood 30 Front Rack Walking Lunge Steps, 135/95 30 Toes to Bar 30 Push Jerks, 155/105 30 Dead Lifts, 175/125 30 Wallballs, 30/20 30 Burpees 90 Double Unders Only 1 bar. Athlete is responsible for changing weights. 16:59 Tuesday 01/19/2016 SESSION 1 1. Running Choose a track or True Form Runner Track Session 1200m Run, 3 minute Rest 1000m Run, 2:30 minute Rest 800m Run, 2 minute Rest 600m Run, 1:30 minute Rest 400m Run, 1 minute Rest 200m Run total time including rest periods = 27:08 SESSION 2 1. Conditioning With a Running Clock… A. At the 0:00 “Elizabeth” 21-15-9 Squat Cleans, 135/95 Ring Dips | 5:10 B. At the 10:00 3 RFT: 21 D-Ball Shoulders, 100/80 15 Strict HSPU 9 Front Squats, 185/135 2 rounds + 2 reps C. At the 20:00 27 Cal Row 12 Dumbbell Thrusters, 70/50 21 Cal Row 9 DB Thrusters, 70/50 15 Cal Row 6 DB Thruster, 70/50 9 Cal Row 3 DB Thrusters, 70/50 9:30 Wednesday 01/20/2016 1. Clean and Jerk 5×1 at 85% | #245 2. Barbell Cycling EMOMx8 Odd: 4 Burpee Box Jumps + 6 TnG Power Cleans, 175/125 – no dropping the bar Even: 4 Burpee Box Jumps + 6 ‘single’ Power Cleans, 175/125 – you must drop the bar after every rep Got it all in, stayed on time, probably one of the worst pieces I've done in a long while! 3. Barbell Pulling A. 5×2 Dead Lift at 85% #295 clean grip deadlifts B. 3×6-10 Glute Ham Raises banded C. 2×20 Hip Thrusts #135 SESSION 2: 1. Conditioning 3 RFT: 10 Bar Muscle ups 10m Overhead Walking Lunge, 185/135 7:31 | This is the heaviest OH Lunges I've ever done! 2. Gymnastics Conditioning 100m or 330' Handstand Walk for time | 5:30 Thursday REST DAY Friday 01/22/20162016 REGIONAL ATHLETES 1. Snatch 2 Power Snatches every 30 seconds for 4 minutes – you choose the weight. | #165 2. Conditioning “Regional Event 14.4” 21-15-9-6-3 Strict HSPU Front Squats, 195/125 Bar Facing Burpees 10:58 3. 75 GHDSU for time | 3:22 3. Rowing 4x750m Row, 3 minute rest between efforts 2:55, 2:49, 2:50, 2:46 Sunday 01/24/2016 Weakness Work: 1. Back Squat Pause 3 seconds in the bottom 2x3 #135 plus chains #80 1x3 #185 plus chains #80 2x3 #225 plus chains #80 1x3 #245 plus chains #80 2. squat cleans 3x2 off blocks at knee #225 3. Strict Muscle up sets 4. Strict Deficit HSPU sets 5. Conditioning: 10 rounds on Assault Bike :20 work and :40 rest | record total calories = 106

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