Monday 3/6/17 1. Snatch Doubles: 75,105,135,146,157,168,180,180 2. Snatch Pulls from deficit 4x4 #192 3. Back Squat Triples #295,295,295 4. For Time: 3 Rounds of... 3 power snatches #135 5 overhead...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
Monday 3/6/17 1. Snatch Doubles: 75,105,135,146,157,168,180,180 2. Snatch Pulls from deficit 4x4 #192 3. Back Squat Triples #295,295,295 4. For Time: 3 Rounds of... 3 power snatches #135 5 overhead...
At the time of this writing I have a handful of days left on my late season archery deer tag in my home state of WA. I have been out...
Train don't workout or exercise. Eat don't diet. Monday 12/7/2015 1. Snatch EMOM x 9 minute 1 #165 minute 2 #175 minute 3 #185... repeat 2. Snatch Balance 5x1 building...
Monday August 17th, 2015 Snatch Work up to a heavy complex of: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch + OHS #115,135,155,175,185 no misses. Strength/Gymnastics Conditioning EMOMx12 Odd:...