Scout Down...

13 trail cameras out in my elk areas, I chose to put cameras on water or on ridge line game trails. Five cameras are dedicated one single drainage for one particular bull that I have not hunted very hard. In fact, I cannot confirm that he's alive still, but last year he was in the 340's-350's which is stellar for an over-the-counter public land unit in Idaho. The other 8 cameras cover about 4 other drainages so I can find out who's who in the zoo. While scouting this weekend I glassed up zero bulls but did manage to phoneskope 2 bears and a wolf.
Monday June 27th, 2016
1.Snatched mid thigh 5x5 reps across
%50 #95,60% #115,65% #135,70% #145,75% #155
2. Jerk balance 5x5 reps across
%50 #95,60% #115,65% #135,70% #155,75% #175
3. Clean Pulls 5x5 reps across
%50 #155,60% #205,70% #225,75% #235,80% #245
4. Front Squat 5x5 reps across
50% #155,60% #195,65 #210,70% #225,70% #225
5. Ben burgeon beep test emom death by
7 thrusters #75
7 pull ups
7 burpees to target | 7 rds
Tuesday June 28th, 2016
Early Morning Broadhead Session at the Range.
1. Clean off blocks at mid thigh 5x5
50% #155, 60% #175, 65% #185, 70% #205, 70% #205
2. Power Jerk Behind Neck 5x5
50% #135, 60% #165, 65% #160, 70% #185, 70% #185
3. Snatch Balance 5x5
50% #115, 60% #140, 65% #150, 70% #165, 65% #150
4. Romanian Deadlift % off 1rm Front Squat 5x5
50% #160, 60% #195, 65% #215, 70% #225, 65% #215
5. With A Running Clock 0:00 - 10:00 For time:
30 cal Row
30 Push Jerks #135
30 cal Row
30 Hang Power Cleans #135
30 cal row | 8:28
6. At 10:00 5 Rounds for time of:
50 Dubz
15 DB Squat Cleans #40's
15 Burpees
200m Run
Rest 2 minutes | Finished at 37:23
Wednesday June 29th, 2016
1. Snatch From Knee 5x5
50% #105, 60% #130, 65% #140, 70% #150, 70% #150
2. Split Jerk 5x5
50% #140, 60% #170, 65% #185, 70% #200, 70% #200
3. Clean Grip Lift Off 5x5
50% #140, 60% #170, 70% #200, 75% #215, 80% #230
4. Back Squat 5x5
50% #180, 60% #220, 65% #235, 70% #255, 70% #255
5. 5 Rounds Not for time:
25m Prowler Sled Push #200 + 10 GHDSU + 10 TTB
6. 5 Rounds Not For time:
100m Sled Drag #90 plus carrying #70 sandbag.
Thursday June 30th, 2016.
Friday July 1st, 2016
1. Jerk Recovery 5x5 55% #185 65% #205, 70% #225, 80% #245, 85% #250
2. Clean at Knee 5x5 50% #145, 60% #170, 65% #185, 70% #205, 65% #185
3. Sn Grip Lift Off 5x5 70% #150, 80% #170, 85% #180, 90% #195, 95% #205
4. RDL 5x5 #160, 195, 215, 225, 225
5. 5 Rounds for time:
10 Dball ground to over shoulder #100
25m Overhead Walking YOKE #270 | 7:25