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5 Weeks Out

5 Weeks Out

Monday July 13th 2015
Went to the range first thing in the morning and shot mostly from 20,30,40 and then 70. I put a new sight tape on after really fine tuning and shooting through paper one last time to make sure things are tuend.

1. Establish a heavy 5 rep Overhead Squat #135,165,195,215
2. 3 sets of 15 unbroken chest to bar pull-ups for time: 1:03
3. For Time:
1k row buy-in
KBS #70
OHS #115
10:21 - slow and definitely my weakness

Tuesday July 14th 2015
1. Establish a heavy triple thruster from the floor
2. Fittest in the park Partner Wod
For Time: 15min Cap

P1: 40 Wall-ball Shots
P2: 30 Box Jump Overs
P1: 30 Power Cleans
P2: 20 Front Squats
P1: 20 Push Presses
P2: 10 Front Rack Lunges
P1: 10 Front Rack Lunges
P2: 20 Push Presses
P1: 20 Front Squats
P2: 30 Power Cleans
P1: 30 Box Jump Overs
P2: 40 Wall-ball Shots

M: 20lb ball to 10ft, 24in, 115lb bar
F: 15lb ball to 9ft, 20in, 75lb bar

30 Atlas Stone Ground to Shoulder #125 x10, #155 x10, #125 x10

Wednesday July 15th 2015

Today, I worked with BUS, he is our master's athlete (40-44) who is competing in the 2015 CrossFit Games. We ran through some of his WODS that just recently were announced, today was some of the most fun I've had in a while training. We just sampled some of the wods or portions of the wods to get a feel. We don't need to do them in their entirety at this point, we are too close to competition and we trust that the training or work is already done.

1. For time:
40 GHD sit-ups
10 bar muscle-ups
50-meter sandbag run (100 / 60 lb.)

2. Heavy Thruster from the ground #215,225

3. For time of:
10 snatches (95 / 65 lb.)
200-meter sprint (4 x 50 m
10 snatches (95 / 65 lb.)

4.100 double-unders
7 hang power clean and jerks (185 / 115 lb.)
100 double-unders

5. 1,000m Run

Thursday July 16th, 2015

Flush day - 2k row + 1k run + 1 mile bike.

Friday July 17th, 2015 - REST DAY

Saturday July 18th, 2015

Competition Day

Event # 1 - 6 minute AMRAP
Partner Yoke #400 50'' down and back x3 + Sled pull/push #275 75' x4 + as many stone lifts as possible
We finished maybe 10th in this event?

Event #2 Sprint For Time
5 burpees + 18 flights of stairs - 2:16 - maybe top 5 in this event

Event #3 - barbell chipper...same one from Tuesday - we did 9:29 in competition and got 2nd.

Event #4 - 6 rounds for time of:
15 thrusters #95 + 5 muscle ups... 6:02 I think... 2nd place again and finished the day in 2nd.
Not bad. The reason I compete is only to make sure I have something to train for. The day of competition makes you deal with nerves just like bowhunting. You deal with physical pain just like bowhunting. You have to be mentally sound just like bowhunting and you have to perform when it matters just like bowhunting. Today was also very special - it was Alicia's and mine 6th Anniversary. We are so luck to have each other, but mainly me really lucky to have her, what a woman. Oh, by the way, she was in the same competition and took 1st, again! Nobody remembers second! HA.

Sunday July 19th, 2015

Woke up before the family usually does and went to local 3D range and shot 15 targets from 40-100 yards. Was a great morning to say the least. Tomorrow I fly down to LA to coach one of my friends and athletes at the 2015 CrossFit Games, we are coming for that Podium.

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