Rifle Elk Hunting Success with Complication
My buddy Ben is coming back on the podcast - He's brand new to archery elk hunting, 2022 was his 2nd season ever. He comes from the CrossFit world and has...
Exclusive Elk Hunting Discounts Here
My buddy Ben is coming back on the podcast - He's brand new to archery elk hunting, 2022 was his 2nd season ever. He comes from the CrossFit world and has...
Today Jake Webb (cohost) and myself are tackling your questions from Instagram on fitness, archery, and elk hunting. This is a fun listen and we cover a lot of ground!...
Today we are discussing the EPLUS program of the state of New Mexico. Special guest Joel Gay from New Mexico breaks down why he and the BHA NM chapter are...
Hunter McWaters went on his first ever elk hunt with Dan in 2021. He was hired to be a videographer, Dan & Hunter discuss their 10 day adventure, all the...
We asked our listeners to write in about their '21 Elk Season - share their success and failures, what they learned and how this podcast might have played a role...
I'm stoked to share some of our adventures in today's podcast, I've been on the road quite a bit since season kicked off and so I wanted share some of...
Welcome to a very special episode, number 200! THANK YOU for all the support this past 4 seasons of the podcast! Today we're recording with Will Cooper of Pnuma Outdoors,...
Bottom line, everything on a hunt starts from the ground up, today we're chatting with Sheepfeet founder Caleb on everything elk hunting and foot care. Check out the lineup for...
Dayna Monroe is a badass bowhuntress from Colorado, she runs the marketing department for Kifaru International, crushes the gym and lives life to the fullest. Join us as we get...
Today we recorded one of my all time favorite episodes with Nick Hammond out of Springfield, OR. He's a husband, father, and gym/studio owner. He also bowhunts and has a...
Buckle up, we're talking public land elk hunting tactics with legendary elk scholar Paul Medel aka the ElkNut. LINK to ElkNut's Social Media LINK to Our First Podcast together ...
Today is a super fun listen as we learn Jon Gabrio's story on how he became such a successful public land elk hunter. We also dive deep on how to...
So how do you tackle off-season practice? How do you tune your bow rig and what's the secret sauce when it comes to becoming a better archer? Today we are...