Week 16 | 2019
Monday 4/15/19 Squat 3x5 warm-up, then 5 at 75% 260#, 3 at 85% 305#, 1 at 95% 330 (got 3 reps) For Time: 100' 1 arm Overhead DB 50# Walking...
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Monday 4/15/19 Squat 3x5 warm-up, then 5 at 75% 260#, 3 at 85% 305#, 1 at 95% 330 (got 3 reps) For Time: 100' 1 arm Overhead DB 50# Walking...
Monday 1/21/19 Stamina Squatting: 64% of 1rm Front Squat (225#) EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 12 minutes... ODD x3 front squats plus :30s dBall hold 150#, EVEN: x6...
Monday 12/17/2018 Overhead Squat 3x3 | 185#,195,185 Front Squat 3x3 | 205#,235,265 Back Squat 3x3 | 265#,285,305 Back Rack Lunges 3x10 115# GHD Raises 4x5 Conditioning: 75 kettlebell swings 53#,...
Monday 6/4/2018 1. Box Squats Doubles with 80# Chains that add tension as you stand up from the bottom Every Minute on the Minute for 10 minutes, Load was 175#...
Monday 4/30/2018 1. warm-up squat snatch doubles: 95#,95,115,155,125,135 2. Squat snatch 3 reps every :90 seconds |135#,145,155 3. EMOM 9 Minutes Snatch grip deadlift with pause at knee 3 seconds...
Monday 4/23/2018 1. EMOM 5 Clean Pull + Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk | 185# Right into... EMOM 7 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split...
This week I'm taking mostly off due to a 34 year old body being pretty beat up... Headed up to the mountains in search of brown gold! Monday March 28th,...
Monday 6/9/2015 With a 16 minute running clock: A. EMOM: 14 Odd: Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch #145 Even: 30′ HS Walk B. Establish a 5RM...