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  • Week 10 | 2019

    Week 10 | 2019

    Monday 3/4/19 OHS build to a heavy 5 rep | 195# AMRAP 12: 50' Handstand Walks, 10 OHS 135#, 15 Deadlifts 135# | 3 rounds + HS Walk + 3...

  • Week 4 | 2019

    Week 4 | 2019

    Monday 1/21/19 Stamina Squatting: 64% of 1rm Front Squat (225#) EMOM (every minute on the minute) for 12 minutes... ODD x3 front squats plus :30s dBall hold 150#, EVEN: x6...

  • Week 16 | 2018

    Week 16 | 2018

    Monday 4/23/2018 1. EMOM 5 Clean Pull + Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk | 185# Right into... EMOM 7 2 Hang Squat Clean + 1 Split...

  • Week 11 | 2018

    Week 11 | 2018

    Partner Spotlight: onXmaps Alright so I completely missed week 10. I was sick with the FLU for about a week long and rarely got out of bed. I believe I...