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  • Week 16 | 2019

    Week 16 | 2019

    Monday 4/15/19 Squat 3x5 warm-up, then 5 at 75% 260#, 3 at 85% 305#, 1 at 95% 330 (got 3 reps) For Time: 100' 1 arm Overhead DB 50# Walking...

  • Week 12 | 2019

    Week 12 | 2019

    Monday 3/18/19 Front Squat Double Plus Back Squat Triple | 7 sets climbing, ended at 275# Box Step-ups 4x5 each leg, 24" box, 40#'s Dumbbells each hand 10 Ring Dips...

  • Week 10 | 2019

    Week 10 | 2019

    Monday 3/4/19 OHS build to a heavy 5 rep | 195# AMRAP 12: 50' Handstand Walks, 10 OHS 135#, 15 Deadlifts 135# | 3 rounds + HS Walk + 3...

  • Week 19 | 2018

    Week 19 | 2018

    Monday 5/14/2018 1. Front Squat 3 reps right into Back Squat 3 reps | 185#,205,225,245,265 HS Walk Obstacle Course b/t sets 2. Yoke Carry 60m 220# + 185# Yoke, 3...

  • 17.4 and 17.5

    17.4 and 17.5

    Monday 3/21/2017 1. 17.4 REDO - 1 round + 4 reps 2. Snatches hang climbing (at knee) #95-195 3. Back Squats #265 4x4 Tuesday 3/22/2017 1. 5 rounds of high...

  • 3 weeks out...

    3 weeks out...

    3 weeks out from Sawyer Thomas Staton being born! Looks like I will most likely compete at the 2016 CrossFit West Regional on our team. Monday May 2nd, 2016 1....

  • 16.3


    Monday March 7th, 2016 1. 16.2 Redo Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 4, 8, 12, 16 or 20 minutes of: 25 toes-to-bars 50 double-unders 15 squat...