Reverse Hypers

Wrist is till pretty much useless - pain keeps me up at night often, just need to lay off anything flexion/extension at the joint for several weeks - that will be tough! My shoulder felt better and then kind of got a little tight so I will rest it for 1 more week as well. I'm getting old.
The new Reverse Hyper will definitely be a game changer...
1. EMOM for 10 Minutes
x2 snatch pulls #195
x5 Reverse Hypers #80
2. 15 minute AMRAP:
20 yard Farmer Walks #160 each arm
20 GHD Sit-Ups
20 Pull-ups
200m Row (add 100m each round)
4 rounds
1. Death by Deadlift Axle Bar #280 and Box Jumps 30"
score - 7 complete rounds + 7 deadlifts
2. Death by Burpee Box Jump Overs 24" + Shuttle Run (10yard = 1 rep)
7 complete rounds + 11
3. 5 Rounds not for time of:
10 Lunges with #50 DB's each hand
10 Toes to Bar
5 Pendelay Row #135
4. 3 Rounds of:
250m Run, Rest 1 minute
:55, :53, :55